Living with a Diabetic Mom

A person who has a disease of Diabetes often to be called diabetic.


"Diabetes is a disease that occurs when your blood glucose, also called blood sugar, is too high. Glucose is your body’s main source of energy. Your body can make glucose, but glucose also comes from the food you eat. Diabetes raises the risk for damage to the eyes, kidneys, nerves, and heart. Diabetes is also linked to some types of cancer.”

“The most common types of diabetes are type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes. Type 1 diabetes, your body makes little or no insulin. Type 2 diabetes, the cells in your body don’t use insulin properly. Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that develops during pregnancy.”

“Among the 3 types of Diabetes, my mom is in the type 2. According to my research, " Type 2 diabetes is the most common type of diabetes, so you are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes if you have risk factors, such as overweight or obesity, and a family history of the disease. You can develop type 2 diabetes at any age, even during childhood.”

If you ask, “how's the life of having a diabetic mom?” Well, for me it is quite difficult and scary, so, for more information let me recalls those memories that are truly vivid to me.

Way back when I was in my elementary era, specifically in my 4th grade. My mother was diagnosed with a disease that I didn't know about and didn't had much attention to it because I was young. She then, had an operation to remove the stones in her kidney. Again, I didn't know those things and was not aware of the risk and the suffering of my mother. All I knew is that, she'll be fine.

Years have passed, everything went good or should I say best.

Fast forward, because I can't really recognized or remembered everything after that operation until I finished my Junior High. Of course, I was so busy of being a student.

Year 2021, my mother was so weak that she lost weight so fast, then we found out that it was a tuberculosis and she have developed the disease because of her diabetes. Those moments was my deal to take good care of her, from her strict diets that I manage to cooked for her, let her drink her prescribed pills, check ups and many more. It was difficult for me because I am not used to it but weeks later, I've adapted to everything. Struggling and somehow happy because I was able to take good care of my mother. Months passed, her tuberculosis was gone but needs to maintain her lifestyle and medication for her diabetes. So, the cycle was on me again.

In 2023, around in the month of September we have seen some tiny white spot in her one eye. 2 months after, it was already big and darkened its color. We went to seek help to the professionals, but her diabetes is still the reason.

January 2024, my mom's vision is not as clear as it is. This time, two of her eyes were already affected by cataract, which leads to my mom being temporarily blind.



All throughout the years, that my mother is in strict diet and medication I'm totally the one who's responsible to her. I'm able to managed everything in my own techniques, especially the time management because I'm a student. When it comes to follow up checkups, I am with my sister to guide our mother in every steps of the way and to take note of what the doctors says.


The daily routines is not easy, I am not a morning person but I need to wake up early and that's my first thing in adjusting my daily life. 5:30 AM is my wake up call, ready to cook and prepare her first meal but before that I wake up her first to drink meds. Yes, "ampalaya" in english bitter gourd is my best friend, stir fried with a mixed of egg, prepare a cup of rice and put together in a plate. The meal that I prepared will be put on the table and assist my mother, after the meal then she take her med.

10 AM, her first snack it is either a biscuits, boiled egg or sweet potato with ampalaya juice, of course I'm also the one who blenders it.

Before 12 PM, she must take her meds then 20 minutes after, I'm going to prepare her lunch meal and so the morning meal will still be her lunch meal.

3 PM, is her second snacks the wheat bread or a slice of fruits with ampalaya juice. Most of the time my classes is in the afternoon or evening, so if I was not around either my brother will take in charge. If she will be left alone, because she is a mother, she managed to do things that she used to do but with the help of my instructions.

That, before 6AM she will take her meds. She still can cook, I don't know how she did it but I am amazed. After 20 minutes she drink her meds. Then before bedtime 10PM to be exact she will take again her meds.


Together with these diets, she is also in a blood monitoring, so we have a device for it and that's on a schedule once a day, either that would be before her meals or bed time. Twice a week we report it to the clinic through messenger and seek for a progress. That's our daily routine, and everyday there's changes especially her meals, not all the time Ampalaya, she must also eat other vegetables, chicken and fish.


It is not easy for me 'til now even though that I'm used to it, because of my schedule in school, sometimes can be hectic especially if I have practices, so I'm not comfortable everytime she's alone in our house. Her vision is not yet good and accidents are unpredictable. One thing I have learned in this kind of situation, I'm able to appreciate her more deeply in everything she have done to me. I'm able to manage or broaden my patient and understanding towards any circumstances. Now, I understand how difficult it is to be a mother, the sacrifice, effort and time everyday that she gives.

Yes, sometimes I feel so tired or I'm emotional especially when it comes to financial, or is she gonna be fine and will her disease be the cause to lost her life someday. I know the diabetes is a very dangerous disease that can truly affect the life of a person, and I don't want her to be gone until I graduated. I don't want to suffer again from the lost of a parent. So, no matter what happen I will strive harder and do everything I can do for her.

This coming March 15, will be her first operation of her one eye and I am hoping for the success of it. So HIVE friends, your prayers are most appreciated.

And that's it! Thank you and take good care everyone! Your health must always be your priority.

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