My Amazing Journey towards Life and Success: My Introductory Blog

Hello everyone, good day!

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I’m @marie.creates. How are you feeling today? I hope you’re doing great. I’m so excited to share to you my journey towards life and how did I become successful. I hope that you will read my story, be inspired, and find the courage to pursue your dreams no matter what you go through in life. Let’s get started!



My name is Jean Marie P. Fuentes, 27 years old and a public-school teacher. I was born in Tabogon, Cebu located in the Northern part of Cebu, Philippines. I came from a family that struggled to make ends meet. I am the eldest daughter among four and I have one sister and two brothers. My father is a laborer, and my mother is a plain housewife. Sometimes my father’s income can’t sustain our basic needs that is why I experienced working at an early age.

Being the eldest daughter in the family comes big responsibility. Growing up, I worked in the hacienda and earns 40 pesos per day to support our needs and allowances in school. Despite the scorching heat of the sun, I endured it all because there is no one else who could help my father except me. I will work during the weekend and go to school in the weekdays. This has been my routine when I was in high school. And this is the main reason why my heart is full of dreams and unwavering determination to break free from the cycle of poverty.


An Introduction

When I graduated high school, my parents told me to work right away for they can’t afford to send me to college. Year 2013, education is not free and tuition fees in schools are very expensive. So, I have no choice but to work to support my father in sending my siblings to school. My father worked in San Fernando, Cebu and there is a grocery store that is looking for female employee, so my father asked me to work there. It was Sunday morning and we’re packing our clothes for tomorrow’s travel.

I still remember how excited I was to work because finally I can now give money to my mother. Unfortunately, my cousins from the other Barangay visited our house to inform us that my grandfather passed away. We were speechless with this very shocking and sudden news. Everyone had their silence and cry in tears.


Taking my College Degree as Working Student

Moving on, the plan of working didn’t happen because they already find an employee. I was sad but I took it in a positive way. Everything has purpose and happens for a reason. I truly believe that God’s way moves in mysterious ways. Indeed, it is, one night after we went home from my grandfather’s burial. My brother’s classmate went to our house and offered me to be his employer’s working student.

After hearing it, I felt happy but sad at the same time because this is my first time to be far from home. All the years, I’ve been living with my family. But I guess that’s how life is, you need to go out from your comfort zone. After so much thinking, I finally decided to study in college and be a working student. I took this as an opportunity because maybe this is God’s plan for me to achieve my dreams.

My Life as a College Student

My life as a college student was never easy. I faced financial hardships but my determination to pursue my dream of obtaining a college degree prevails. I do the household chores in the morning like cleaning, cooking, and taking care of the dogs and go to school in the afternoon. Despite hectic schedule, I remained unwavering in my commitment towards achieving my goals. Luckily, these two people whom I considered my 2nd parents were generous and supported me all the way. They treated us like their own children, and we are one big happy family. I would like to show my gratitude together with my co-working students to Mrs. Flora Baring and Sir Jesselito Baring, the two people behind our success and the reason why we became teachers now.



Over the years, we never felt like we are their working students because wherever they go, they would bring us. Sometimes we eat dinner outside, go swimming, do island hopping, buy groceries together and doing simple things like eating ice cream (one of the best memories). They even surprised us during our birthdays and give us gifts on Christmas day. Indeed, we are so blessed to have them. I thank God everyday for knowing them and for making the best decision in my life. I hope and pray that they will stay healthy and live longer. I know they are an instrument sent from God to help people like us. And with that, I am so thankful and grateful for them.

Unforgettable Moments of my Life

After years of sacrifice, I’m finally reaping what I sow. I am extremely happy and proud of myself for surviving. Looking back at all those memories made me cry. Those times when I cry myself to sleep for having negative thoughts and for all the burden I carry. Those times when you don’t have money and someone at home called you and asked for it. Remembering all these things made me realize how much God loved and planned everything for me. I trusted him fully and surrendered everything to him. Indeed, God never fails!


Year 2017 I finished college. I took up Bachelor of Secondary Education – Major in Mathematics in University of Cebu – Banilad. My parents, my second parents, friends, cousins, and relatives were so proud of me. When I went to my hometown, everyone congratulated me and to my surprise they prepared something for me. A big lechon was on the table and a tarpaulin with my name on it. I’m beyond happy and thankful for their efforts. Indeed, family is everything.


After I graduated, I took the licensure examination for teachers and with God’s grace I passed it. Everything felt right and everything goes as to how I want it to be. God has this way of showing impossible things to possible. If you know how to wait and be patient while waiting everything will be worth it.

Teaching as my Passion and Profession

Ever since then, teaching is in my heart, and I love seeing students learn from me. After I passed the licensure examination for teachers (LET), I applied for a teaching position in our hometown. At that time, I am an English as Second Language (ESL) instructor. I want to be a government teacher who teaches young minds. Luckily, I was one of the teachers who passed the ranking. I am now a qualified applicant for teachers waiting for my item.
Year 2019, I was proposed to one of the schools in Cebu Province. I got a call from the Principal of Tabuelan, Cebu if it’s okay with me to teach there. Without hesitation I accepted the offer and now I am teaching in Juan Pamplona National High School for 4 years. This is quite far from my hometown, but I still thank God for this greatest blessing.


My Hobbies and Interests

I have an adventurous spirit with an insatiable love for exploration. I thrive on the thrill of discovering new horizons, but my heart finds its true home at the beach. I find solace and excitement in the ocean’s embrace. Chasing sunsets, breathtaking views, and captivating, serene landscapes are my favorite pastime.






The Reason I Joined Hive

My best friend @annetimistic who is a teacher introduced me to this kind of platform. She told me a little background about it and out of curiosity I’m so interested to know more. Luckily, there would be an online orientation for this, and I got the opportunity to join.



Webinar Onboarding Orientation

The said orientation was conducted last August 5, 2023 with the speakers @indayclara and @intoy.bugoy. They shared to us their experiences and the benefits we could get if we joined this platform. Hearing their different stories amazed me because somehow I can relate to them and I want to share to everyone my stories and adventures, spread positive energy and be an inspiration as well. That's why I’m so thankful for them and so blessed to join this community.


That's it for my introduction to this amazing new world. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. See you again in my next post, God bless everyone!

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