Rest Day Errands

Yesterday was my rest day from work and as usual I stay at home to do some chores like cleaning the house since my other siblings had work also. There's nothing better than rest day right? Like you don't have to get panic if you woke up late and your not worried if you need to work for the day. I remembered during my first day of salary of work I often visit a lot of places to spend my money but later on I realize that I don't save enough money for my goals that's why I limit my expenses and do some investment which turns good since I save a little hehe.

Anyways, yesterday I started my day by doing a laundry.

It's my one week load and I can't imagine I used that many clothes maybe because I changed 2 times per day. Gladly we had a automatic washing machine which wash, drains and dehydrate the clothes that made my life easy but makes our electricity bill high. Well I'm the one paying the bills that's why it's okay if I use it for my own sake.

It will only took 45 minutes to completely wash my clothes and after that I'll prepare hangers to hang my clothes, sadly the weather doesn't feel nice since it's becoming dark that's why I decide to hang my clothes on our veranda.

After hanging my clothes I decide to took some rest and eat my breakfast.

Gladly my older sister bought a huge pizza and they didn't ate it that's why I enjoy eating it on my own with a pair of coke from McDo. It's different if you are alone inside the house cause you have the perks to do what you want. I prefer staying inside the house since the truth is I don't have nothing to spare outside hahaha just kidding.

After eating I decide to take a sleep again cause there's nothing more relaxing than sleeping. If you are on BPO industry then you'll understand me why.

At afternoon, I finished all necessary task inside the house so that I can attend on my gym session that happen 2 times a week, well it's not a group session but a me time moments which I enjoyed working out alone.

I did some chest reps and guess what? I've manage to lift 20 kg of dumbbells!! I was also surprised cause 2 weeks ago I can only lift 14 kg but needed a spot but yesterday I managed to lift that light weight and it makes me proud of myself. It shows that my bulking and taking creatine is effective. I will continue doing this to fully improve myself, if you only knew how thin I am before then you'll be surprised what my body looks like right now.

That's all for today's video, thanks for passing by, and if you like to know more about my journey for fitness then you can follow me.

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