Don't Limit Yourself... Limitations will just hold you Back💪🥰

A way to achieve once goal is to strive forward, keep moving forward even if there's a blockage in your way. That blockage you encounter is just a tool to make you stronger and when you become strong nothing can hold you back.


This is my hometown and it has a small field which we use to play volleyball, badminton and sepak takraw. We just stop playing badminton recently because of windy situation and the hot weather. We often play in holidays, weekend and free time. The photo is taken in weekdays where the ground is empty because the players are at school. Afterward, I accompany Shania to play volleyball. Although she's young, she have the passion to play volleyball and attentive so i play along with her. The next Photo is my big day, where i assist in coaching Tuba badminton players for the upcoming Provincial meet and the last photo is for our first day game of provincial meet.


There official training only compose of 2 days which isn't enough exactly, but thanks to there free time after school they manage to improve. There struggle in there education, the struggle in there training, there struggle in the approval of there parents to play (for financial and moral support) and lastly there own playing equipment to buy. This is there struggle and my duty is to help them keep moving forward (there training, providing moral support and some foods to enjoy).


They also have there supporting coach/teacher who provides there needs(badminton rocket, shoes and shuttlecocks and time) for the players to develop there self more. It is also to motivate them to reach higher height and achieve great goods.

This our own way to push them to persue there goals, enjoy what they want and to create path for them to walk on.

We all have our own trails to face, our own paths to conquer and our own goals to achieve. No one is exempted...🙏💞

There's a great saying that's always appearing in internet and my own experience that i want to share especially if you feel down inside.

  • "The Pain you are feeling now can't compare to the Joy that is coming". *Romans 8:18

  • "A satisfied life is better than a success life. Because success is measured by others, but satisfaction is measured by our own soul, mind and
    *The Mind & Journal

  • "Success is not only about money and a higher social status. Success also manifest in being less stress, less worried, and more peacefull and happy."
    *Remez Sasson

As for me, those saying have it's own meaning and sometimes contradict each other. The only thing i'ld like to say is each of us have our own struggles and each of us have different solution. We just need to find the right one for us. We can ask for help, we can ask for assistance, we can learn from others mistake, and we can learn from our own experience. In the end, as long as you are willing and don't lose hope there will always a way. Those quotes are the best way for others to help one another to keep move forward.

Best Lesson

Losing without even trying is the biggest mistake one can make. Losing with putting all your effort even if you loss is the biggest thing you should be proud of because you did your best to it.

You may not know this but lot of people can't do that. The height you reach is the biggest thing everyone dream of, so please let us encourage everyone. Encourage everyone that we can do this, we can achieve the greatest height and reach the summit.

Every thing we do is being seen up above. Every hardness and every pain, every suffering and every fall there's always that Eyes who sees all.


First day, Begining of the Provincial meet. Coaching and briefing of the athletes.

Don't Give Up

"Don't give up," that the quote we often say but sometimes giving up to start new is possible, giving up your current life to persue what you really want is also possible, and giving up to refresh oneself is also possible.

Just do find your inner self, it is the time when you become true to yourself, and the time when you truly enjoy everything throughout your life.

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