An Artist’s Gift and Dog Food

Short shorts: a story about generosity and a dog nutrition meal plan gone mad.

A few years ago, I was working as a seller for a nonprofit supporting bamboo craftsmen living in a fishing village at an island in Laguna de Bay called Talim Island. We would often go out to promote the products at trade fairs and bazaars where potential buyers come and go. Some of these international events attract hundreds of thousands, if not, millions of people.

One time, I was manning a trade fair booth and chatting away with a group of dudes from an artisan group from Rizal province where a few well-known artists come from. It was almost lunchtime and there weren’t many people around so I watched them work. There was this one guy who was painting at a cardboard in a manner similar to American painter Bob Ross whom I watched on television growing up. He said that he was practicing his oil techniques during the lean time, when few visitors come past our way.

I already forgot his name, but I still have the oil painting at the back of a cardboard that he gave me as a token. My wife framed the painting and serves as a reminder that good, talented people exist in the world and a fantastic reason why we need to support small shop artists.

Here is a snap of that painting.


I've noticed a striking imbalance between the nutritional intake of our dogs' food and our own. It's remarkable that as #vegans and #vegetarians, we can be overly concerned about food and nutrition while totally neglecting the proper nutritional intake of an important member of your family.

And, no, the dogs aren't getting shortchanged in this story, the people are. lol.

Our dogs have been #vegetariandogs for more than a year now and we have taken extra care of the food we give them. And I believe that they are healthy and active because of this. At the same time, we have done poorly in planning our own food intake with too much fried, oily, salty food and sweets.

To compare: our food vs dog food!




Yes, the 'sopas', on the lower left side, is their favorite breakfast.

In terms of nutrition, our food isn't really that bad, but it's also not that good. So, lesson learned. The glaring gap means that we need to make changes, which is totally fine with the humans in the household because it means less instant noodles for them and more 'culinary' adventures for me. :)

So, I’m glad that you are still reading up to this part. May you be blessed with upvotes, comments and reblogs; and, all the good things a crypto life can offer to enable us to upgrade our quality of living.

We are living in dangerous times, but I sincerely hope that we learn and move on from this tragic moment in the history of the world and learn from our mistakes, both personally and as a world community.

And I think I will end with that short prayer. Stay safe everyone! :)

Till next...

*all the images are mine. Thanks.

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