#RememberSeptember - a Trip to Myanmar was a favorite but ended up with a broken heart

What is your favorite memory from the past September?

I checked on my FB memories and saw what I did in the past September. Not sure if this is a favorite because these memories were full of mixed emotions.

To answer the question, what is my favorite memory from the past September? Well, I think traveling to Myanmar is surely one of my favorite travels in the past. I was able to travel to Myanmar for 28 days with PHP 25,000. This happened back in September 2018.

So, how come the memory was full of mixed emotions?

Well, I was traveling with a companion and so happened we met while traveling. Hmm, we dated and we decided to travel around the Visayas area for 21 days. He was telling me that one of his next destinations would be Myanmar.

I knew there were some red flags during our trip around Visayas but I chose to forgive and let it go. He invited me to go to Myanmar with him. Of course, it was a chance to get to know the person.

In the first two weeks, I spent time with him, I was crying most of the time. There, I found out he was messaging other girls he met in Thailand. WTF.

Snapshots of the Bagan, Myanmar trip


I decided to take many selfies using my phone. I also have my Nikon D5100 hanging around my neck.


Sunrise in Bagan.


And you see my eyebags while doing a temple run in Bagan. Haha!

I am very confrontational so we had some arguments along the way. But sometimes, I was too tired to talk about us. I just want to be a tourist. Then, he decided to break up with me in Yangon.

Here is the reason a travel to Myanmar became a favorite

I continued my solo travel in Myanmar, off to Hpa-an, and rented a Honda Scoopy

Despite the break-up, I continued to travel solo. But breaking up was the best feeling because I realized I felt suffocated in our short relationship.


I did a solo hike to Mount Zwegabin

I cried while hiking solo, grieving from the break-up. I asked many questions if I should go back to the Philippines after this one-month trip or fly to another country. But I felt like a loser if I go back to the Philippines with a broken heart.

I don't want my trip to Myanmar filled up with a heartbroken story. I told myself that it was temporary.

So many good people I met in Myanmar. The local people in Myanmar helped me in my travels.

A woman in Myanmar was helping me

I arrived in Hpa-an at 3 AM from a bus ride from Yangon. A Burmese woman thought I was Thai, I said I'm from the Philippines. She said I was brave traveling alone. In order not to get lost, she helped me where to stop in Hpa-an and exchanged WhatsApp if I needed help.

I believe in Karma

Since Myanmar is a Buddhist country, they also believe in karma. I felt the kindness and goodness of the people despite of language barrier. A woman store owner gave me a bottle of water for free when she found out I was alone after I filled up the Honda scoopy with gasoline. She was impressed.

Have you learned something valuable from the past September?

When I was in Myanmar, a Buddhist monk gave me this advice. When you suffer abuse from an abuser, you need to CUT OFF THE TOXICITY. NEVER AGAIN WITH AN ABUSER.

Meditating with a Buddhist Monk in Mawlamyine

I posted some photos on Facebook during the time of my visit.


A monk gave this to me as a gift and something I could read as well. After my long journey of motorcycling today, I just had a meditation practice with him. I asked a question, "Is there something wrong with me?" After telling him about a certain situation that really made me cry. He said that my reaction was okay coz I just wanted some peace.


After breakfast, I had a meditation practice with a monk. I asked, "What will you do if a person hurts you?"

He answered, "Forgive the person and don't do any revenge."

I asked again, "What if the person hurts you again and again even though you forgave him."

He replied, "Stay away from that person. Fighting with them Will not do any good."

This is applicable to any relationship you are having with either it's a family member, a friend, or a romantic relationship.

After this trip to Mawlyamyine, I decided to go back to Yangon and spend a few days there. Booking a trip to the Philippines was expensive so I decided to move on to Bangkok, Thailand. In Thailand, I spent another month meeting people and having a food trip.

Lessons Learned while traveling

  • Get out of a toxic relationship when it is not serving you right.
  • Learn to drive a motorbike, by the chance your companion leaves you, you're a strong independent woman. Char!
  • It is not bad to experience solo travel.
  • Kindness all the way and be thankful for how strangers help you along the way in a country you are not familiar with.
  • Love and enjoy life.
  • A breakup needs to be celebrated as a reason to find the right person for you.

Roxanne Tamayo - www.itravelrox.com

Welcome to iTravelRox! Roxanne Tamayo is a Cebuana who is a traveler. Now a mom of 2 kids and a wife. She is a travel blogger and a digital nomad. As a Virtual Assistant, she does a lot of things like content writing, WordPress web design, WP updates and maintenance, graphic design, and photo editing. She is into wedding photography, as well.

If you like iTravelRox's content, please don't forget to upvote and leave a comment. She will share a lot of stories about solo travels, motherhood, family travel, and working as a VA.

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