Una Tazza de French Vanilla, please


I've mentioned in my previous blogs that I have friends who randomly and spontaneously hit me up with dinner invites. There was a time when I would take up on these invites and feel guilty afterward because I wasn't able to do the things I planned to do that night. But not so much nowadays. I have let go of my incessant need to plan every single minute of my life. Yes, it gave me results but at the expense of my sanity.

Anyway, my friends and I decided to have dinner at Tazza Cafe and Patisserie. It's a hip restaurant in Cebu City that has a few branches although the other branches have a different name (Tamp). It's part of their rebranding campaign and it seems to do them really well because people are flocking to it.

There are three things I like about the restaurant: (1) their French vanilla coffee, (2) their Beef Stroganoff, and (3) their 1-peso cakes. I don't normally consume coffee drinks that have milk because of my lactose intolerance but their French vanilla coffee was so good. It's smooth, creamy and just the right amount of sweetness. I'd say it's almost worth the hassle of an upset stomach.

I've never had Beef Stroganoff before and I've only ever had it in this restaurant. I'd say they brought Beef Stroganoff to Cebu. It's a hit for me because of the tender beef cuts and the surprising sour cream gravy sauce.

The best thing about this place is their cakes or how they price them. If you buy a meal with a drink, they offer a slice of cake for 1 peso. That's less than 2 cents in USD. Their caramel chocolate cake is my favorite. It has sliced almonds on the side which give the cake some crunch.

So if you find yourself here in Cebu City and want to dine at Tazza (or Tamp), I highly recommend their French vanilla coffee, beef Stroganoff, and their caramel chocolate cake. Yum!

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