Ferdinand Magellan was here, I think?


More than 500 years ago, Ferdinand Magellan led a voyage that proved that there was another route to Asia and that the world could be circumnavigated. He crossed the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and reached the Philippines. The first island they landed on after crossing the Pacific was the mostly uninhabited Homonhon Island.

Today, Homonhon Island is part of Guiuan, Eastern Samar, and although people have chosen to settle on it, it is still relatively untouched. In July this year, I had the chance to visit the historical island with my girlfriend and our friend. I have never in my life dreamed of visiting the island where Europeans made first contact with the original locals. But I was there, and it was captivating! Beside the beach area, there were these huge rock formations.

I know the waves have weathered the rocks over the years, but I couldn't help but wonder if Magallen had also seen these rocks when he landed on the island. Was he also amazed by the sight of them? Did he also stand on one of them and look at the menacing waves at his feet? Did he ever imagine that in the future, tourists would spend hours and money just to be on the island?

I doubt that he did, but it's cool to think that you could be standing in a spot where a famous person once stood. Magellan landed on the island's opposite side, so it's unlikely he ever set foot on where we were staying.

The beach we stayed at was called Handig Beach, and it was located in the northernmost barangay of the island, called Habag. I've only been showing previews of my trip to Eastern Samar through my Liketu posts, but rest assured, this trip deserves its own travel series. Getting to the island is a worthy story to tell on its own.

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