Things I notice in today's Youth

The students of today are very different from the students of the past.

That's what I can say based on my observation and handling of high school students today.

(Photo by Afta Putta Gunawan from Pexels:*

There is no denying that the behavior of children today is quite strange. Their likes, hobbies and other things they do are also different. They were different from the young people back then, my age and those ahead of me.

(Photo by THIS IS ZUN from Pexels:

Today's young people are very fond of gadgets which was not there before, so the children of that time really experienced playing physically on the road. Today's young people only play online games, they don't experience the joy of playing on the road, even in the heat of the day until late at night and their parents are looking for them. lol

(Photo by THIS IS ZUN from Pexels:

Well what exactly did I notice with today's youth?

First, I noticed that it is difficult to forbid or prohibit young people today. If before the children were afraid of their teacher, now it is not like that anymore, sometimes the children even threaten their teacher when the teachers scolds them. And even if you stop them again and again, they won't really follow you and they will follow what they want. It's sad to hear, but there are such young people today.

Second, other young people today don't know how to respect. I see young people who do not respect their elders and even their parents. Even in front of many people, they are not shy to answer their parents. Sometimes they are even braver than those who are older than them.

Third, I have noticed that other young people have a hard time reading. Maybe because in recent years, their way of learning is modular and some of them don't really read the module and only ask their parents to answer it. Whenever my students read sentences, even the basic English words they cannot pronounce properly it and what about the difficult words.

Well, those are not the only things I notice in young people today, there are many others, but that's all I will share for now.


Anyway, I don't mean all the young people because there are still some kind children who are obedient or in other words, the children with good manners. But I noticed that most of the young people today are like the ones I mentioned above.
(Photo by 周 康 from Pexels:

That's why I can't avoid comparing the youth of the past with the youth of today because of their strange habits and behaviors.

So that's all for today. Thank you so much for reading this article of mine. See you again on my next article.

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