Last January 09, 2024, I’ve struggled in such kind of sick the doctor said it’s German measles.
German measles is a kind of reddish dots that can spread in your whole body that cause itchiness, headache, vomiting and reddish eyes and some of the people said it was started at the face, but I don’t know why I didn’t get it with my face just only in my legs, hands and just little in my tummy and no more symptoms at all.

The doctor said I need to rest in 5 days, so I leave work for 5 days😌😷.



and after those days she gave, I went back to my doctor for the follow up checkup to show the improvement and if its ok now to go back in my work, but the doctor did not agree, and she gave me another 5 days of rest.


But after those 2 weeks I was finally healed, and she now gave me the approval of fit to work.

But then again after two months, which is March 25,2024 to be exact when I woke up in the morning I feel itchiness in my face, ears, chest, arms, and legs. I knew it, it’s come back again, since my time in work is second shift which is 10am in the morning, I did ask early in my head that I have to go for a checkup because there is something in my face and I think its German measles again because that was the diagnostic last time and I think I can’t go to work this Monday ☹

Then, again I go to the doctor for a checkup and find out once again that its positive! Yes, I’m positive in German measles virus! Seriously?


It’s so hard for me because I even wanted to go to work because it’s our Inventory Day with the Accounting Department. But that was happened again, and I did not expect it will come back like this. ☹ 😷



So, I decided to stay at home for good so no one can be harmed or be infected. Because I must rest again for 7 days, the doctor said. I did not buy the medicine she prescribes, but I used herbal medicine like cilantro seeds because they said it will help to reduce the itchiness.


But then my partner still couldn’t believe it’s just a German measles because he was telling that maybe it was a hives. Hives is a cause of allergic reaction to a food that can cause itchiness, not HIVE blockchain LOL.😅

So he encourages me to have a second opinion in another private doctor. So, when we get there, they give me some test and when the result comes out, I finally found out that it was really a HIVES!



So, my partner was right the Doctor said it was a HIVES, so he prescribes me some medicine and don’t allow me to eat seafood, chicken, and egg for now and not too much on sweet! OH MY GOSH! That was hard, but I need to do it for the better because I don’t want it to happen again.😰

Now I finally healed and hopefully it won’t come back again ☹ I promised that I will be careful now for what would I eat and don’t.

Last Wednesday April 3, 2024,Thanks God I finally come back to work.


Lesson learn: don’t hesitate to find a second opinion 😊

Thank you for reading!
PS. Credit to Canva Template.

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