Game of Thrones - My Watch Has Ended - BeerSaturday Beer Review

I'm a huge GoT (Game of Thrones) nerd. When I seen these GoT beers at the beer store I had to buy a couple!


I bought these for the Buffalo Bills vs Kansas City Chiefs game. It was the final game before the Super Bowl. My hometown team the Buffalo Bills, hadn't been to the Super Bowl in over 20 years. This was a pretty exciting event in my hometown and called for just the right beer!

When I got home and thought about the name, "My Watch Has Ended", it didn't really seem like a good omen for this playoff game. I decided to save these for the Super Bowl. So I shelved them in the fridge and waited for the Super Bowl to try these out.

Two weeks later, as soon as the Super Bowl started I excitedly ran to the fridge and poured my first glass.


I took my first sip and was immediately disappointed. It just wasn't the taste I was expecting. I took a second sip thinking maybe it was a taste in my mouth, and immediately realized this was indeed "Shit flavored". I just couldn't put my finger on it. It had a beautiful color, nice foamy head, wonderful texture, but like the ending of the GoT series, every sip left a bad taste in my mouth!

I really wanted to like this one! I squinted my eyes and read the label closely trying to figure out what this strange taste could be.

"An Imperial Brown Ale Brewed with Maple Syrup and Fenugreek"

Damn it! I grumbled. I need to start bringing my reading glasses to the beer store when I shop! Had I read that in the store I would have never even considered this an option.

I'm a bit of a purist when it comes to alcohol. I don't want peanut butter whisky or vanilla flavored vodka. I like my alcohol to taste like... well alcohol!

Taking a third sip I immediately realized the foul taste was indeed maple syrup! WTF! For the love of all that's HOLY! WHY? And I have no idea what Fenugreek is!


Fancy cork aside, this was a total disappointment for me. Outside of the occasional chocolate stout or coffee stout, I just don't like these weird flavored beers. Yeah, you can brew with just about anything, but I just wasn't expecting this at all. I put maple syrup on pancakes, not beer!

I tried to pair it with some cheese and crackers, still disgusting. Maybe pork rinds, NOPE! Chips and dip, nope that didn't work either. No matter what I tried, I just couldn't shake the taste of maple :( No wonder Tyrion Lannister looks so glum as he lifts his glass!

I had bought two of these and in the end I couldn't even finish the first one! Totally disappointed. I'm glad I had some regular "back up" beers in the fridge. I'll probably keep the second one as a collectors piece or gift it to someone I know is a fan.

Come join in the #BeerSaturday fun and share your beer story! Check out this link for all the rules.


I'm not sure if you're a beer drinker or not but this week I'd like to challenge @bozz to write a short story about beer using the #BeerSaturday hashtag and at least 3 pictures. Apologies if I've already tagged you once before.

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