Beer Saturday - Beers from down south

My daughter is living down in Portsmouth on the south coast. Near to her is Southsea Castle that happens to contain an active brewery. She visited us on father's day weekend and brought me a present of some beers. They have some great designs.


I have only had a chance to try a couple of them so far. The casemate was very nice. I shared it with my friend Dave and we both enjoyed the fruity, refreshing flavour after working in the garden. It is cloudy, but I have no problem with that.


I was less taken with Bad Eye Bill, which is a 'cryo hopped IPA', whatever that means. It was a slightly odd taste that was just not my thing, but I finished it anyway.

Bad Eye Bill

It was a medium strength beer, but I do not base my choices on strength generally. It is vegan friendly, but then a lot of beers are these days. Some have used some animal or fish products in the brewing process.


I shall report on the others as I get through them. I think they do more varieties, so I will have to check them out when I am down there again.

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