Beer Tasting: Hohenthanner Märzen and Wildbräu Kirtabier

Hello, beer lovers! 🍻

How are you?
Today is not a day for beer, as it's St Martin's Day, when grapes must turn into wine and parties are everywhere, lasting long into the night, even into the early hours of the morning. Yes, that is what we Slovenes are like, alcohol is in our blood, and we rank very high.
Anyway, I decided not to go anywhere, and I am here today for #beersaturday, the 332nd in a row. Tough decision, haha :)

Two chilled bottles of beer are waiting for me in the fridge, I still insist on festival beers from the Kalea Beer Box.
A pure Bavarian beer classic. I can't wait! :)

🍻 😎 🍻

Hohenthanner Märzen Festbier

Brewed by Hohenthanner Schlossbrauerei, Hohenthann, Bavaria, Germany.
Bottle, 0.5 l, alcohol 5.6% ABV, 14 IBU.
It's Märzen or Oktoberfest Beer, a malty German lager with restrained bitterness and rich bready malt flavor.

What do the Master Brewers say?

The right specialty for every occasion. The aroma of ears of grain and the toasty bread flavor give the amber-colored Festmärzen a touch of something special. Full-bodied and malty with a caramel flavor, Festmärzen increases the anticipation of the next sip.

From Kalea Beer Box, bought in local Hofer store.

Clear amber color, medium and creamy head. It smells of malt. The first sip goes down the throat smoothly, in the mouth I taste first the sweetness of the malt, a little hop bitterness, and the taste of fresh bread with hints of caramel.
In the aftertaste, there is a slight hop bitterness and caramel which slowly disappears.

A fresh and drinkable beer where the sweetness dominates, and the bitterness is more in the background, I like the discreet taste of caramel, nothing dominates, everything is harmonious, and nothing extravagant. I could easily drink it all evening.
Not available here except in the current Kalea Beer Box. If there was a chance, another bottle would find its way into my fridge, but it looks like nothing is going to happen.

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And here's the meme. But maybe it's all true?


It's obvious that beer drinkers live healthy lives :) 😜

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Wildbräu Kirtabier

Brewed by Wildbräu Grafing, Grafing, Bavaria, Germany.
Bottle, 0.5 l, alcohol 5.7 ABV, 17 IBU.
The same style as previous, Märzen or Oktoberfest Beer.

What do the Master Brewers say?

On the occasion of the 350th anniversary of the Grandauer Brewery, on April 28, 1965, the solid brew was brewed. Since then, the specially brewed festival beer has traditionally been served at the Grandauer Volksfest.

This one is also from the Kalea Beer Box.

The beer is a clear light brown color, the head is solid and creamy. It has no particular odor. It goes down the throat smoothly, the sweetness of the malt dominates the palate, there is minimal or no hop bitterness, a pronounced taste of marzipan, some caramel, slightly bitter.
In the aftertaste, everything disappears except for a slight bitterness which lingers for a while.

A drinkable and refreshing beer. Very unusual and interesting taste, I think it was the first time I tasted this combination of marzipan and caramel but surprisingly harmonious. I would say it tastes similar to some Belgian styles.
I would like to have some in the fridge but it is not available here. But I'll survive without it. :)

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And what am I listening to as I write this and taste the beer?
Something from my #newtunes post yesterday. One London band I met earlier this year, fills small club venues like a charm, I'd love to see them live.

Bar Italia - Real house wibes (desperate house vibes)

Thank you for your attention.

More stories about beers? You can go back a little further in history! 😁

🍻 2017 🍻 2018 🍻 2019 🍻 2020 🍻 2021 🍻 2022 🍻 2023 🍻

And here's something else:
I post everything in the @ecency front-end. So I invite you to support Ecency Development And Maintenance #4 Proposal because I would like to keep using it.
Thank you in advance.

Enjoy your beer!


Take a look into Beer Community
if you want to read more Beer adventures.

And if you want to share your beer experience,
post your story to the Hive BeerSaturday challenge for fun.

BEER token is ready for you, too :)

Thanks, @detlev who started all this!

5% of the earnings of this post will go to beneficiaries of the community (@beerlover).

🍻 😎 🍻

Stay Healthy!

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