Beer Tasting: Eagle Bombardier and Wychwood Hobgoblin Ruby

Hello, beer tasters! 🍻 😎 🍻

Another #beersaturday! 250 in a row. I didn't participate in all of them, but almost all of them.

Luckily I'm keeping track of it, chronologically, you can see below. It's definitely one of the more positive and fun events of the week (for me).

We are in the middle of an election here. Whichever media I open, or when I walk down the street, I am being urged by various figures, posters and banners, each belonging to a party, to give them my vote.
Eh ... f*ck them all ... my choice and vote go to Web3 😁


I'd rather focus on beer. Today I have two English beers from the Classic Ales collection. Well, let's try this one.
They both have the same alcohol level and are brewed in the same style. Of course, I chose this one on purpose :)

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Bombardier Premium British Ale


Brewed by Eagle Brewery, Bedford, England. Bottle, 0.5 l, alcohol 5.2% ABV.
It's a Premium Bitter style, which means that's average-strength British ale with a good balance between malt and hops, slightly bitter, with various finishing hop characteristics.

What do the Master Brewers say?

Bombardier is the definitive English Bitter, perfectly balanced with a dry personality. Water from Charles Wells well; Pale Malt; Crushed Crystal Malt; Challenger and Goldings hops.

I hope to stay in one piece after tasting it. Because, as I read, the beer is named after the English boxer William Thomas Wells, better known as 'Bombardier' Billy Wells :)


The beer is light amber-brown, with a considerable head and a creamy head. It smells slightly smoky. Sip goes down the throat smoothly, with aromas of roasted malts, caramel, and some slight herbal and earthy notes.
The sweetness of the malt is dominant at the beginning but the bitterness of the hops dominates the aftertaste for quite some time.


A drinkable and quite solid beer, with bitterness at the end, that lets you know you've just had a beer. A very solid pub beer for a normal day out, but not too much to take it to the heights.

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Beer meme for today, it's sharp :)


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Hobgoblin Ruby


Brewed by Wychwood Brewery, Witney, England.
Bottle, 0.5 l, alcohol 5.2% ABV. It's a Premium Bitter style, the same as previous beer.

What do the Master Brewers say?

Hobgoblin is a powerful full-bodied copper red, well-balanced brew. Strong in roasted malt with moderate hoppy bitterness and slight fruity character that lasts through to the end. Ingredients: Pale, chocolate, and crystal malts; English Fuggles and Styrian Goldings hop.

I mention above that I chose them on purpose, to taste the difference. Now, I wouldn't go into that both breweries belong to the same group - Carlsberg Marston's Brewing Co and what that means... we'll see...
Anyway, I've tried a few of these Hobgoblins, because they're available in local shops here, and they've all been OK.


The beer is dark brown, the head is average. It has no smell. It goes down the throat smoothly, tastes of fruit, cherry or plum, malty sweetness, smoke, not too much, there is also caramel. Only later does the bitterness of the hops come out, which, together with the fruity note, lingers in the aftertaste but not for long.


OK. Drinkable beer. Although brewed in the same style as the previous, it's different. More fruity flavors, a more pronounced roasted malt taste, and less hop bitterness at the end.

If I had to choose, I like the first beer a nuance better, but if I had the choice of both, I'd go for both. :)

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And what am I listening to as I write this? Nothing from my yesterday #newtunes post, but one interesting cover of the Velvet Underground classic, performed by violinist Andrew Bird.

Andrew Bird, Lucius - Venus In Furs (Live)

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More stories about beers? You can go back a little further in history! 😎 😁

2017🍻2018🍻2019🍻2020 🍻2021🍻2022

Stay healthy and enjoy your beer!


Take a look into Beer Community
if you want to read more Beer adventures.

And if you want to share your beer experience,
send the story to the Hive BeerSaturday challenge for fun.

BEER token is ready for you, too :)

Thanks, @detlev who started all this!

btw: There's two BEER Games in town:


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5% of the earnings of this post will go to beneficiaries of the community (@beerlover).

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