Beer Tasting: Clock Glee and Bavaria 8.6 IPL

Hello, beer lovers! 🍻 😎 🍻

What's going on here? Hive crashed today, I hope it will pick up, the bear is deep in winter, and I don't think there will be any correction this year, except maybe even lower.

But, the crypto world is dynamic, there have always been sharp falls and fast rises.
Don't worry too much, today is 285th #beersaturday in a row, grab a beer, watch a football match (@lordbutterfly congratulations to our neighbors for the bronze medal at the World Cup), or get some air and write a post on Hive :) 😁

I have two cans in front of me today, one Czech, and one Dutch, and I'll be happy to empty them.

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Clock Glee Gluten Reduced Ale

Brewed by Pivovar Clock, PotΕ‘tejn, Hradec KrΓ‘lovΓ© Region, Czech Republic.
Can, 0.5 l, alcohol 4.5% ABV, 30 IBU. Ale brewed with a special process that reduces gluten.

What do the Master Brewers say?

11Β° Gluten Reduced Ale. A light pale ale with a citrus aroma and a refreshing fruity taste. Golden in color, the beer is clear with a higher white head. Bitterness higher, fullness medium, lager lower. The brewing process used malt from the Czech sorghum variety Ruzrok, which helps to reduce the amount of gluten in the beer. The amount of gliadin detected by analysis is below 10mg/l, thus we classify this beer as gluten-free and suitable for celiacs. Hopped with Mosaic hops.

I personally don't have a problem with coeliac disease, but I know people who do. I have seen some of these gluten-free beers being sold around. This will be the first such beer at my beer tasting.

The beer is a clear, light yellow color with a lot of head. The aroma of hops. It flows smoothly down the throat, and the first thing I noticed was a distinct hop bitterness overpowering everything, with pleasant citrus aromas behind it.

The very intense bitterness lingers in the aftertaste while the citrus quickly disappears. I need to eat something to make this bitterness disappear ...

It's refreshing. I would definitely recommend this beer to anyone who has coeliac disease and is not allowed to drink normal beer. It is a bit too watery for my taste, even when compared to some session or hazy beers. Maybe I should keep it in the fridge for some guests with this gluten imbalance?

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One quick meme, not gluten-free :)

I was on the road this morning and I can say that we are deep in winter in our region. I wonder if the snow will stay until Christmas?

Let's go back to the beer.

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Bavaria 8.6 IPL Intense India Pale Lager

Brewed by Bavaria Brouwerij (Swinkels Family Brewers), Lieshout, North Brabant, Netherlands.
Can, 0.5 l, alcohol 7.0% ABV, 20 IBU. It's India Pale Lager style, a hybrid beer, a cross between a lager and a hoppy IPA.

What do the Master Brewers say?

Low-fermentation beer, has a pleasant citrus and fruity aftertaste due to hops Citra and Calypso, which enhance its exclusive and unique character. In this lager, the fresh fruity aroma of the hops and the taste of softly sweet malt are fighting for the attention of all your senses. A very refreshing and tasty beer. The packaging with a multi-sensorial texture is printed with thermal ink on the front of the can, with the hop flower changing color and turning green when the perfect service temperature of 7Β° C is reached. Strong beer.

Another interesting thing I haven't come across yet is thermal ink. I suppose there will be something like this on all cans in the future and I hope it's not the only top feature of this beer ... I've put it in the freezer on purpose to see if the hop character will indeed turn green :)

The beer is light yellow in color, and the head is average and disappears quickly. It has no specific odor. A sip goes down the throat smoothly, first I taste the sweetness of the malt, and later the bitterness of the hops which is less pronounced, and the aromas of sweet tropical fruits, maybe mango? Slightly spicy on the tongue, probably due to the alcohol.

In the aftertaste everything slowly disappears, the sweetness of the fruit and the bitterness of the hops at the same time.

An interesting and drinkable beer. It alternates between sweet and bitter, at times I even had the feeling I was drinking a fruit liqueur, the alcohol is quite noticeable and there is a bitterness with a fruity aroma at the end. What do I know.
Behold, a complex beer, even the master brewers say it's a hybrid :)
Anyway, because it has quite a lot of alcohol, and if you drink two, you don't care anymore and you'll move on ...
It's hardly going to be in my fridge (and I wouldn't mind) because I bought it in Rome ...

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And what am I listening to when I taste beer and write this? Something from my last #newtunes post. Well, before that, I have to say that I did a great job this year, similar to last year for #beersaturday. Namely, I've organised all my #newtunes posts, in yearly playlists.

A Place To Bury Strangers - Nice of You to Be There for Me

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More stories about beers? You can go back a little further in history! 😁

2017 🍻 2018 🍻 2019 🍻 2020 🍻 2021 🍻 2022

Stay healthy and enjoy your beer!


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And if you want to share your beer experience,
post your story to the Hive BeerSaturday challenge for fun.

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Thanks, @detlev who started all this!

btw: There are two BEER Games in town:


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5% of the earnings of this post will go to beneficiaries of the community (@beerlover).

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