Tis the Season to Be Jolly and an early Christmas present showed up for this #beersaturday.
Now I know that is not Christmas BUT some gifts are meant to enjoyed slightly early besides the @handofzara is getting a little long in the tooth and there is no guarantee of a tomorrow.
Now I know that it may be a sin to open a Christmas present early, but sometimes ........
you are just Helles Bound!
Did you see what I just did there with the Helles as opposed to Hell Bound!
Easy now its just a minor transgression. A little early celebration, like taking just a nibble of frosting off a Birthday cake.
BEER NAME: Ruekeller Helles
STYLE: Helles
ABV: 5.2%
BREWER: The Bruery, Placentia California
APPEARANCE: light gold, clear and pours with a thick foamy head
AROMA: mild malts
TASTE: sweet malts with slight bitter at the end
MOUTHFEEL: medium body with a clean crisp finish carbonates well the bitters linger for a tad
Overall a wonderful Helles and a great early Christmas gift.
I have a #beersaturday tradition of asking a trivia question, and the first person to answer correctly in the COMMENTS.
I will make it easy, since this beer was brewed in California the question tonight is:
Good luck and I will see y'all next #beersaturday!