Sausages and IPA beer

Looking for some food in the fridge, I came across a package of "Njeguška" sausage, which has been there for a long time.
I probably would have skipped it this time as well if my eyes hadn't fallen on the two cans of Robocraft beer that were left for me to taste.
I immediately remembered my post three weeks ago (the weekend when I went on vacation), in which I asked you which of the remaining two I should drink first, when @josiva "voted" for Hopzilla.

Well then, let it be Hopzilla, and let it eat sausages.
I think it's a perfect combination.
Sausages and beer for this #BeerSaturday challenge.

I put the sausages to fry, and the beer to stand for a while at room temperature...

Along with sausages, mustard is also an indispensable addition.
The enjoyment can begin.

Hopzilla is India Pale Ale beer, a cloudy, unpasteurized, unfiltered beer with 6.3% alcohol by the Robocraft brewery.

Along with the futuristic look of the can label, one should expect a different (futuristic) taste of the beer.
Already when opening the can, when a little foam wet my fingers, a floral aroma was felt in the air, with a slight smell of honey.

Hmm, I thought, is there really honey in this beer?
It's not. The ingredients are, as for any quality IPA beer, water, barley malt, hops and yeast, without artificial colors and aron.
Well, maybe on the first sip the impression will be different.

The high foam on the beer of beautiful yellow foam did not last long, while I ate a few pieces of sausage, it almost disappeared.

It was still enough for me to take all the aromas of this beer into my mouth in a gulp with foam. Still, there is a floral aroma, the taste of citrus aroma appears, characteristic of every IPA beer, but there is not even a hint of honey taste. The only thing you can feel is the sweetness that beer has from barley malt.

Mild, not very strong carbonation and medium, pleasant bitterness while drinking the beer, round off the excellent, specific taste of this beer (as could be expected with such a futuristic design of the can) and invite me to drink it again, which I will probably do, with or without sausages...

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