Guinness Foreign Extra Stout - a really different taste for interesting reasons

A different Guinness beer

pic by @detlev

Hey Hive Family
a beer for travelers?
The interesting history
of the Guinness Foreign Extra Stout

At the bridge

My friend grabbed a few bottles out of his backpack and said:

Guys, you need to try this beer - it is different and I got it at an Afrika shop.

We did what we where asked but before that, the beer got a private photo session at the handrail of the bridge or "Querungsbauwerk am Innenhafen" means "Crossing structure at the inner harbor"

pic by @detlev

This harbor view

The old inner harbor of Duisburg is the place for our evening and this locations has his own atmosphere on a warm October evening.

I just love the reflections and the colorful mix of intensive light with the grey sky and dark night.

pic by @detlev

See more pictures at my post about the Duisburg harbor at @detlev/duisburg-at-night-a-walk-at-the-old-harbor

Facts of the beer

See the clear facts about the Guinness Foreign Extra Stout beer

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Strong, with pronounced fruity and roast character

A full-bodied palate of roast, fruity character

Initial tingling impact, bittersweet leading to a dry finish

ABV: 7.5%

A rich dark liquid with a frothy head

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Guinness Foreign Extra Stout is a beer born of a thirst for adventure, tracing its origins back to a recipe for our West India Porter, first set out by Arthur Guinness II in 1801. In the early 1800s, while other breweries were content to stay close to home, we struck out into unchartered territories, braving the perils of sea travel to export our famous black beer across the globe. Brewed with more hops to preserve the beer in the ships’ holds during voyages of four-to-five weeks in tropical climes, the recipe yielded a powerful drink with a complex, fruity bittersweet flavour.

"Guinness Foreign Extra Stout is a beer born of a thirst for adventure

While our proudest invention to date arrived to be embraced by rest of the world, back in the brewery the team remained focused on the journey ahead. What was then known as West India Porter became the Foreign Extra Stout enjoyed today. But as the body evolved, its soul remained the same. It's where tradition meets innovation. And we're proud to transport that across continents.

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Extra hops history and reason

To make a long story short.

That style of beer got a lot more hops to preserve the beer during his long journey in the heat and hold the quality


Foto by Helge May - Nabu

Do you know "Black Dog"


Whenever youorder a ‘Black Dog’ beer in wonderful #Malaysia you’ll be handed a bottle of our Foreign Extra Stout.

This is because the first export bottlers of Guinness added their own symbols to the labelling to distinguish their bottles and exclusive territories. An animal known as a ‘chop’ is one such symbol. There are four designs: the bulldog head, wolf head, dog head and cat.

What other say...

I always try to understand more about beer and the recommendations by others. The Website

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You could spend a lot more money on various craft imitations, or you can get this, which I consider to be the perfect stout. It packs more of a punch than standard Guinness, in terms of taste, alcohol content, and flavor. Slight bitterness, excellent malt, dark chocolate, caramel. The first one of these as we transition to fall is always the best.

See more at

another user said:

11.2oz bottle into a 7oz tasting glass. I have also had this in larger bottles in Ireland.

Look: Pours black with ruby edge on bottom with a 1" light tan pock-marked creamy head with good retention. There is thick lacing with some banding.

Smell: Chocolate, fig, dates, raisins, walnut, dark moist brown bread.

Taste: Firm hop bite, dry malt, deeply rich bakers dark chocolate, light vanilla, espresso coffee char. Mineral bitterness lingers throughout and through the finish. Hop/chocolate flavors go in and out. The finish is bitter with tannins.

Feel: A firm medium bodied creamy mouthfeel and has a bold semi-long, moderately drying finish. It is a bit tacky and overall is soft. No alcohol detected.

Overall: A pleasant bitterness is at the helm of this world-class stout. It's mineral base and deeply roasted malts and confectionary chocolate are unsurpassed in balance. Overall: bittersweet, incredible and is essentially in a class all by itself. It is my go-to stout.

Rating look: 4.75 | smell: 4.25 | taste: 5 | feel: 5 | overall: 4.75

My rating

OK, this is Hop, Hop and more Hop and you have to like it.
A really strong taste

This beer was
way to hoppy for my
see the pic I did after sipping

pic by @detlev after that sipping that beer

A final view ...

... to a sill closed bottle.

But we helped the beer out of the bottle and no beer was harmed during the photo session and our walk

pic by @detlev

Have a great day everybody
and let us travel the world again

pic by @detlev

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have 3 pics and a story
around beer - and go!

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