A Hot Day, an Ice Cold Beer, and an Unexpected Friend

Last week, in the blistering heat of a Singaporean afternoon, I found myself leaving work after taking half a day off, craving a drink to take the edge off before embarking on the stifling train ride home. Little did I know that this mundane craving would lead to a chance meeting that rekindled an old friendship and introduced me to a hidden beer haven 😁

The sun beat down as I trudged out of the office, my shirt sticking to my back. All I wanted was a cold drink to ease the discomfort of the scorching day. That's when I bumped into Joshua, an ex-colleague, whose work place happened to be near the area and coincidentally ended work earlier as well. The surprise of running into him gave way to a spontaneous decision – why not grab a drink together? 😅

Pulling out our phones, we scoured Google Maps for a nearby spot and stumbled upon a place called the American Taproom. Intrigued, we headed in, the cool air washing over us as we entered. The place had a cozy vibe, a mix of old-school charm and modern comfort that instantly put us at ease 😊

The bar was lined with an assortment of beers taps that felt as though I entered a treasure trove and was spoilt for choices. Even though I'm no beer expert, but I know what I like. I settled on number 11, Rocky Ridge Are You A Robot? IPA from Busselton, Western Australia. It had a 6.5% ABV, and if you asked me to describe the taste, I'd say it hit with a burst of hops and a hint of citrus. A pleasant surprise on a day like that 🤤

Performing a quick search using #Pinmapple and to tag cool locations as the brewery so that one that I could visit these breweries myself. See where this is located in the map!

The American Taproom had more to offer than just beer. As we sipped and caught up on life, we discovered their awesome deals. Mondays meant 30% off all pints for the whole day. Their Happy Hour starts from Tuesday to Saturday (12 pm to 8 pm) and all day on Sunday, where craft beer lovers could enjoy a 32% discount on draft brews brought and a 15% slash on all pints and wines. Not bad, right? 😜

In the midst of our conversation, I remembered a commitment I'd made to the Beer-Loving Community. A while ago, @detlev introduced me to you guys, and I'd promised to share my own beer escapades. Well, this impromptu meet-up seemed like the perfect story to share. That's when I started getting busy with snapping photos everywhere 😂

Please pardon the emojis used, my friend would not like to be featured and he literally rolled his eyes when I was snapping him.
Please pardon the half-drank beer, I was more focused on sharing a toast with Joshua and enjoying the drink! 🤣

As the evening sun began its descent, our glasses emptied, and I felt a sense of gratitude for this unexpected turn of events. What started as a simple desire for a drink had led to reconnecting with an old friend, and discovering a place that offered more than just beverages.

Leaving the American Taproom, the warm air hit me again, but it was different this time. The memory of that meet-up lingered, a reminder that sometimes, the best moments aren't the ones you plan for. They're the ones that surprise you on a sweltering day, bringing a cold drink, a long-lost friend, and a newfound appreciation for the simple joys of life! 🤗

This is #BeerSaturday week and I would like to invite @saydie to write a post in any language about beer with at least 3 pictures.

Are you interested in reading some of my future writings? Don't forget to follow me!

Here are some of my most recent blogs (non-gaming posts) if you'd like to view them:

Passion Above the Clouds: A Journey of Basketball, Cooking, and Adventure
A Weekend Spent in the Hospital: Cherishing Health and Love
Embracing Life's Pause: The Significance of Celebrating Birthdays
Recreating the Magic of Pepper Lunch's Beef Stir Fried Rice (Latest Blog)

Thank you for taking the time to read my post, and I look forward to sharing more next time! 😁

All images used in this post were taken from my iPhone

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