Visitando la capital - Nos fuimos a Caracas // Visiting the capital - We went to Caracas

Hey qué tal amigos?
Esta vez toco ir a la capital, pues mi hermano tenía que ir a retirar su pasaporte, ya que lo enviaron allá porque no pudo retirarlo antes de irse a Colombia el año pasado. Además de eso, habían otros planes para ese mismo viajé.
Una cosa curiosa es que jamás habíamos pisado la capital, solo mi papá había venido antes e inicialmente no quería porque ya conocía como era el movimiento acá.

Hey what's up friends?
This time I had to go to the capital, because my brother had to go to pick up his passport, since he was sent there because he could not pick it up before going to Colombia last year. Besides that, there were other plans for that same trip.
A curious thing is that we had never set foot in the capital, only my dad had come before and initially he did not want to because he already knew how the movement was here.

Todo es súper diferente a mi ciudad, el ritmo es más acelerado, no se parece a otra ciudad que haya visitado antes incluyendo Colombia.

Everything is very different from my city, the pace is faster, it is not like any other city I have visited before, including Colombia.


Simplemente hicimos maletas y nos fuimos, el viaje era largo, salimos a las 2am aproximadamente o quizás un poco más tarde, lo cierto es que sabíamos que mínimo era un viaje de 6h para llegar, aunque yo tenía demasiado sueño no dormí nada pues estaba pendiente de la carretera.
En una estación de servicio nos detuvimos a cargar gasolina, y allí comenzó la travesía ya en la autopista de la zona central, acá veíamos un tráfico diferente.
Los camiones y vehículos de carga todos iban en caravana del lado derecho y vehículos particulares del lado izquierdo, algo que no veía en mi ciudad.

We simply packed our bags and left, the trip was long, we left at about 2am or maybe a little later, the truth is that we knew that it was at least a 6 hour trip to get there, although I was too sleepy I did not sleep at all because I was watching the road.
At a gas station we stopped to get gas, and there began the journey already on the highway of the central zone, here we saw a different traffic.
The trucks and cargo vehicles all went in a caravan on the right side and private vehicles on the left side, something I did not see in my city.

Por su puesto ya se comienza a ver la zona montañosa, por que esta región se caracteriza por eso y una gran cantidad de neblina en todo el camino.

Of course, we started to see the mountainous area, because this region is characterized by that and a large amount of fog all the way.









Entrado a la gran Caracas como dicen, ya comienza a notarse el tráfico, pues por su puesto las personas de las zonas cercanas, como los Teques vienen acá a trabajar, y se ven demasiadas motos, acá todos manejan super rápido. Ya comienzan a manejar casi pegado a ti como si te fuesen a chocar, lo único que no me gustó es la manera tan salvaje de manejar del 90% de los conductores.
Las motos van entre carriles van hasta 60km/h, cosa que es ilógica y sin sentido pero ya es costumbre de todos acá.

Entering the great Caracas as they say, the traffic begins to be noticed, because of course people from nearby areas such as Los Teques come here to work, and you see too many motorcycles, here everyone drives super fast. The only thing I didn't like is the wild way 90% of the drivers drive, the motorcycles go between lanes, they go between lanes, they go between lanes, they go between lanes, they go between lanes.
The motorcycles go between lanes up to 60km/h, which is illogical and senseless but it is already a habit of everyone here.

Los barrios se comienzan a notar, edificios altos, que en Barquisimeto son pocos ya que casi toda la población vive en casas.

The neighborhoods are beginning to be noticed, tall buildings, which in Barquisimeto are few since almost all the population lives in houses.












Bueno a simple vista la entrada de Caracas no es para nada atractiva, tengo amigos de Caracas que muchas veces me decían la frase "Caracas es Caracas y lo demás es monte y culebra", yo inmediatamente les escribí y les envíe fotos que estaba allí, y les mejore la frase "Caracas es rancho y cerro y lo demás es monte y culebra", por que la verdad no hay nada que envidiarle a la ciudad, desde mi punto de vista no me gustó para nada, demasiado tráfico pero en exceso, y la manera de manejar en serio no tiene sentido, las motos se van a contra vía, se suben por la acera, los buses no frenan, no respetan el rayado peatonal, todos manejan a 80km para llegar a la esquina, y hay motocicletas como abejas.
Ojo no es una mala crítica, es simplemente mi experiencia, por que ya he estado en ciudades grandes y para nada es igual.

Well at first glance the entrance to Caracas is not at all attractive, I have friends from Caracas who often told me the phrase "Caracas is Caracas and the rest is mountain and snake", I immediately wrote and sent them photos that was there, and I improved the phrase "Caracas is ranch and hill and the rest is mountain and snake, because the truth is that there is nothing to envy to the city, from my point of view I did not like it at all, too much traffic but in excess, and the way of driving seriously does not make sense, the motorcycles go against the road, they go up the sidewalk, the buses do not brake, do not respect the pedestrian striping, everyone drives at 80km to get to the corner, and there are motorcycles like bees.
This is not a bad criticism, it is simply my experience, because I have been in big cities and it is not the same at all.











Aunque muchos trataron de convencerme que es solo esa parte del centro, que hay otra parte de Caracas totalmente distinta, es a lo que precisamente me refiero, no porque la mitad o una cuarta parte de Caracas sea bonita quiere decir que son todo el país.
De acá nos fuimos directamente al Saime para ir a retirar el pasaporte, el detalle es que aún así con gps perdimos la vía y tuvimos que ir unos por la autopista a La Guaira, perdimos allí más de 40min por el tráfico y tuvimos que entrar a Catia y pasar frente a 23 de enero. Eso para mí fue ver otro mueble totalmente distinto.
El problema de perder acá una entrada o autopista es de locos por que debemos dar la vuelta completa.

Although many tried to convince me that it is only that part of the center, that there is another part of Caracas totally different, that is precisely what I mean, not because half or a quarter of Caracas is beautiful means that they are the whole country.
From here we went directly to Saime to pick up the passport, the detail is that even with gps we lost the way and we had to go through the highway to La Guaira, we lost there more than 40min because of the traffic and we had to enter Catia and pass in front of 23 de enero. That for me was to see a totally different piece of furniture.
The problem of losing an entrance or highway here is crazy because we have to go all the way around.

Llegamos al edifico del Saime y la verdad es gigante acá es donde esperamos retirar el pasaporte, y estos trámites se retiran es después de las 2pm así que tuvimos que esperar todo el día.
Habían personas de Perú, Chile, Argentina, cuyos pasaportes habían enviado a Venezuela por el cierre de las embajadas.

We arrived at the Saime building and the truth is that this is the giant building where we waited to get our passports, and these procedures are done after 2pm, so we had to wait all day.
There were people from Peru, Chile, Argentina, whose passports had been sent to Venezuela due to the closing of the embassies.










Acá fuimos mientras se hacía la hora de retirar el pasaporte a caminar un poco por Caracas, fui primero con mi mamá y luego fuimos buscar a mi hermano y mi papá para ir a recorrer otro lugar.

Here we went while it was time to pick up the passport to walk around Caracas a bit, I went first with my mom and then we went to pick up my brother and my dad to go to another place.


Ya desde acá viene algo muy interesante por que fuimos a la casa del Libertador Simón Bolívar y al museo, espero hacer un post genial de ello.

From here comes something very interesting because we went to the house of the Liberator Simon Bolivar and the museum, I hope to make a great post about it.

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