🏡Visiting La Quinta de Bolivar


Cuando viajo,e encanta visitar museos y sitios históricos. Obviamente, como buena Venezolana, quería visitar La Quinta de Bolivar ubicada en Bogotá. Salimos de Monserrate, y muy cerquita estaba la residencia del Libertador, ubicada en esta ciudad. Lamentablemente, no entramos.

Nos dieron un precio para pagar la visita a la casa, y cuando fuimos a pagar, nos dieron otro exageradamente costoso. Y no es que no se lo mereciera, simplemente no contaba con la cantidad del costo de la entrada y no estaba dispuesta a desprenderme de 10$. Así que me conformé solo con verla desde afuera, tomé unas fotografía del imponente portal que tenía y di un ciprés centenario que estaba en la entrada.

Si me desilusioné un poquito, porque si quería conocer está estancia, pero realmente no podía derrochar dinero. Igual seguimos visitando otros lugares insignes que seguiré regalando por acá. Gracias a todos por leerme.

When I travel, I love to visit museums and historical sites. Obviously, as a good Venezuelan, I wanted to visit La Quinta de Bolivar located in Bogota. We left Monserrate, and very close was the residence of the Liberator, located in this city. Unfortunately, we did not enter.

They gave us a price to pay for the visit to the house, and when we went to pay, they gave us another exaggeratedly expensive one. And it's not that it wasn't deserved, I just didn't count on the amount of the entrance fee and wasn't willing to part with $10. So I settled for just seeing it from the outside, took some pictures of the imposing portal and gave a hundred year old cypress tree that was at the entrance.

I was a little disappointed, because I really wanted to visit this estancia, but I could not waste money. Anyway, we will continue to visit other places that I will continue to give away here. Thanks to all of you for reading me.

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