Getting ready for a new place. I am relocating to a new place soon.


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The day is gradually coming closer and it's giving me a great feeling knowing that I will finally be relocating to a more safer and comfortable place as I have dreamed of for many years. I would say I haven't enjoyed a better place for myself than the ones I enjoy when I travel home or pay a visit to my aunt's place. One of the simple things of life is having a comfortable apartment to live in, one with running water all around the house plus stable electricity or better still getting either a generator, inverter or solar just to provide you with 24/7 electricity. This is something I have longed and desired for a while and nothing gives me more joy than knowing the time is here already.

My big sister had ensured I found a better apartment with everything provided and not one I would be living in without enjoying the life I wanted for myself. I am not getting any younger and having to enjoy life to my satisfaction should be my goal now. If I should look back to the years I have spent in this current house I am living in, it's enough for one to praise me for enduring in such a low-level place and it makes me laugh knowing how much I have coped with a lot of things. I have lived with rats coming to play in my room every night without peace of mind as they keep running around, disturbing my sleep till daybreak and this makes me hiss angrily at midnight while my eyes are opened widely for the fear that one would come and meet me on the bed.

Aside from rats, some cats roam around on the ceiling with their fangs and legs making noises on the roof, especially at odd hours making us not sleep peacefully in the house. There are days they stand at my windows and start to cry incessantly like a Newborn baby which would wake me up unexpectedly in the middle of the night as they disturb my precious sleep. It's even more dangerous to go out in the middle of the night to chase them away from the window for another fear that they might be spiritual and were sent to attack.

There is the constant fellowship of different churches around my house. In my street alone, there are 3 churches and one of them acts as if they are cult groups. I wouldn't want to complain about this but just to let you know how the noises from them distract one from sleep. When they are hosting vigils, even if you don't attend, you must be awake to join them in your room because of the strong prayer points they lay down. Lol. If you feel like sleeping at that moment, the fear that some spirit may attack you would keep your eyes open 😀

Apart from that, there are soldier ants and other kinds of crawling insects that visit me in my room and this usually frustrates me so hard that I regret ever coming to live there. There was no way I could vacate because it is the house that isn't far from my school as I could only walk for 5 mins and I am in the school premises. Even when I finished school, I had to stay because I didn't want to waste another expenses getting a new apartment since I thought our results would be out soon, so instead, I should wait. The only thing I thought was that when my service showed up, I would leave finally but my school had to delay us for more than a year before we did our clearance. During this time, I was still living in this house while enduring a lot of things that caused discomfort to me.

Even the toilets and bathrooms are something else. I don't spend more than 2 minutes before I run out of the bathroom because of how stinking the place is. Most of the tenants who are students would refuse to wash both when it's their turn leaving the toilets and bathrooms smelling like a corpse was being buried inside it. Most times, you will see students pouring cooked rice, spaghetti and different things in them and you'd wonder if those people are human beings or animals. Why would they be pouring things inside the toilet and bathroom? I have endured a lot of things in this place and it's enough for me to host a big party for myself because I am leaving soon.


Some of my bags

I will be packing all my stuff in the next 3 weeks, at least by the end of this month, I should be out of here while I already looked out for a good self contain that has a toilet and bathroom with everything inside. I want a comfortable place where I don't need to experience rats, cats, soldiers ants, millipedes and 'what have you' kinds of insects that are in it.


My clothes cabinet(would be dashing this out)


Few of my clothes that are dirty and washed


Bowls and daily racks

This is why I started cleaning my stuff, washing those that needed to be washed while packing them in preparation for the last day when I would finally leave this area for another state for my NYSC (National Youth Service Corps). I am being posted to a government secondary school to be a teacher, one I have always loved to be. Teaching is a career I enjoy so much, not for the reward (well, teachers are not paid well in my country) but for imparting knowledge into the lives of young ones.

As you can see, I have washed some of my things, the ones that couldn't be washed, I packed them neatly in big bags, already dashed most of my items out. It's already a countdown for me and I am so happy.

I have gotten an apartment already and talked to the person in charge while waiting for the day we both proposed so I could pack in and start to enjoy the new apartment while living peacefully and comfortably as I had wanted for myself. This is also a kind of gift to celebrate my birthday in a new place which will come up next year as I clock thirty years of age.

When I move in, will take pictures of the new place on Hive. Till then, let the countdown continue.

Thanks for your time on my blog.


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