Concert by my favorite Latino artist, Lasso. 💕


Hello beautiful people! ✨ I hope you are very well, I feel a little tired because lately I have not been able to rest well because my dog is already very old and this morning he cried a lot, we did not know what it was until we realized that he was cold, we turned off the air, we took him out for a while and when we went in we gave him much more shelter and heat, and so he could spend the night in peace. Today I want to tell you about one of the best experiences I had and it was when I went to the Lasso concert 😍, I'll tell you everything from start to finish, I hope I don't miss any detail. ❤️

As soon as I found out that Lasso was going to perform a concert in Maracaibo, I tried as quickly as possible to buy my tickets to be VIP before they sold out, for my outfit and nails I was inspired by him and his style, I looked for many ideas both on Instagram and on Pinterest and the truth is that I couldn't decide on so many ideas and designs, I was very excited, so months before I already had my beautiful outfit ready to see my favorite Latino artist, Lasso is a Venezuelan artist born in Caracas, he is a singer of the pop, pop-rock, urban and romantic ballad genre, so you already know where my musical tastes go. 🤭

Days before the concert I dyed my hair, the day of the concert I got ready in the morning to be closer to the VIP, the concert started at 8pm so I arrived at 6pm and still there were many people lining up to enter, they did not allow tickets of any type of drink or food, because there was sale of it inside, when we entered a security guard checked us and they also scanned the QR code of my ticket, I was extremely excited and before entering I also bought a girl one Lasso bracelet and there was also a flannel stand with the theme of the new Lasso album called Eva, the first thing I did when I went up the stairs was buy a bottle of water because I often faint. The concert began with the entrance of another artist, his presentation was extremely spectacular and after a while the presentation of a museum came out, there was a work of art that is the cover of the album Eva de Lasso, which was stolen, and they were counting with security guards who were eight of his fans from Maracaibo, and also had to find the love of Lasso's life, which two were fans and played his best friend and his ex, there was also a third who was another friend de Lasso, it was extremely funny, there were many pauses to discover who was the love of Lasso's life, and we could also select who it was and depending on that choice was the durability of the concert. I really enjoyed myself, I jumped, sang and even cried, the whole experience was incredible, I must admit that it exceeded my expectations, and the most beautiful thing is that the concert ended with all his fans being the love of his life 🥹. The concert ended at approximately 1:30am and I took a photo with the flannel I had bought, I didn't wear it because it was very hot, and I managed to rest from such an exciting day at 4am, I woke up at 6am to attend the tour from Juyasirain as a tour guide, so you can imagine how he was that day 😂. I hope you liked this fantastic experience that I had going to the concert of my favorite Latino artist. ❤️

Hola gente bella! ✨ Espero se encuentren súper bien, yo me siento algo cansada debido a que últimamente no he podido descansar bien debido a que mi perro ya está muy anciano y está madrugada lloró mucho, no sabíamos lo que era hasta que nos dimos cuenta que tenía frío, apagamos el aire, lo sacamos un rato y al entrar le dimos mucho más abrigo y calor, y así pudo pasar la noche tranquilo. El día de hoy quiero contarles una de las mejores experiencias vividas y fué cuando fui al concierto de Lasso 😍, les contaré todo de principio a fin, espero que no se me escape ningún detalle. ❤️

En cuanto me enteré que Lasso iba a realizar un concierto en Maracaibo intenté lo más rápido posible comprar mis entradas para estar VIP antes de que se agotaran, para mi outfit y uñas me inspiré en él y su estilo, busqué muchas ideas tanto en Instagram como en Pinterest y la verdad es que no me decidía de tantas ideas y diseños, estaba muy emocionada, así que meses antes ya tenía listo mi hermoso outfit para ver a mi artista latino favorito, Lasso es un artista Venezolano nacido en Caracas, es un cantante de género pop, pop-rock, urbano y balada romántica, así que ya saben por dónde van mis gustos musicales. 🤭

Días antes del concierto teñí mi cabello, el día del concierto me alisté desde la mañana para poder estar más cerca en VIP, el concierto iniciaba a las 8pm así que llegué a las 6pm y aún así había mucha gente haciendo fila para entrar, no permitieron entradas de ningún tipo de bebida ni comida, debido a que adentro había venta de ella, al entrar nos revisó una guardia de seguridad y también escanearon el código QR de mi entrada, estaba sumamente emocionada y antes de entrar también le compré a una chica una pulsera de Lasso y también había un stand de franelas con temática del nuevo álbum de Lasso llamado Eva, lo primero que hice al subir las escaleras fué comprar una botella de agua debido a que me suelen dar desmayos. El concierto empezó con la entrada de otro artista, sumamente espectacular su presentación y al cabo de un tiempo salió la presentación de un museo, había una obra de arte que es la portada del álbum Eva de Lasso, la cual fué robada, y estaban contando con guardias de seguridad los cuales eran ocho de sus fans de Maracaibo, y también había que encontrar el amor de la vida de Lasso, las cuales dos fueron fans y hacían de su mejor amiga y su ex, también había un tercero que era otro amigo de Lasso, fué sumamente cómico, se hacían muchas pausas para descubrir quien era el amor de la vida de Lasso, y también podíamos seleccionar quien era y dependiendo de esa elección era la durabilidad del concierto. Disfruté muchísimo, salté, canté e inclusive lloré, fué increíble toda la experiencia, debo admitir que superó mis expectativas, y lo más lindo es que el concierto concluyó con que todos sus fans éramos el amor de su vida 🥹. El concierto terminó aproximadamente a las 1:30am y tomé una foto con la franela que había comprado, no me la puse debido a que hacía muchísimo calor, y logré descansar de tan emocionante día a las 4am, desperté a las 6am para asistir al tour de Juyasirain como guía de turismo, así que se pueden imaginar cómo estaba ese día 😂. Espero que les haya gustado está fantástica experiencia que viví yendo al concierto de mi artista latino favorito. ❤️

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