Lifestyle: .Bad times and good times of people are not permanent.



Life is a train. And there is no specific station for when and where this train will go. Just like a train runs from one country to another, our life is like a boat. It is the true and natural nature of our human beings to constantly run from here to there to here. But where is the time for a little silence in this busy city???

In this busy city we are all very busy with work. We are so busy sometimes that we forget the Creator and we don't remember to remember Him. But where is the real value from all this business and how much have we ever thought about it??

Basically, in this short life we ​​always dream colorfully and try to live colorfully. We see the world in color and always when we think about something colorful, we really like the world and have a wonderful feeling towards the world.

Not just the world. We feel a love for all the contents and elements in the world. The only reason for this is when we see the world in color and we like everything in the world.


But if we see the opposite, is it possible to see?

When you see the world in color, you dream of living on this earth for thousands of years. But how do you feel when you suddenly see the world a little darker??

Yes, that's right. When we see the world darkly with these colored eyes of ours, we lose all reason to live in the world. We hope that God will give us death soon and that we will be able to solve our problems through death.

But the matter is completely different. If you want to think about this properly then let's see what it comes down to!!!


Basically our life consists of good and bad. If only bad times come in our life then we can never enjoy our life.That is, we will never be able to enjoy how colorful the world is and we will never know what we mean by good.

On the other hand, if the Creator had only given us good times, we would appreciate it. That is, if only good times came to us, then we would not be able to gain enough understanding and knowledge about what is bad, i.e. how much is the value of good.

So this is why good and evil together make our world and we are made. Sometimes we are good ie we have good times and after some time our times change and we have bad times. But good and bad times are never permanent.

You will not break down when sadness comes into your life. Because sorrow comes for a short period of time and after sorrow the creator brings you to the ocean of happiness. Happiness After Sadness You can actually be truly happy and enjoy how colorful your life is.

One must not forget the Creator while being in the bliss above. Remembering the Lord in times of happiness and sorrow is the act of true wisdom. That is, when you are happy, you thank God for it. You will see that Allah has increased your happiness a hundredfold and your good times will be long and you will be able to pass your entire life in peace.

Note one thing on the other hand. God has given you happiness. If you do not appreciate that happiness then the Creator will be angry and deprive you of that happiness later. So definitely praise the creator in happiness and sadness all the time and don't forget to thank the creator.

No matter how bad or good times are, nothing lasts forever. The train of our life is humming along with good and bad.Sometimes there are good times and sometimes bad times. But never be disappointed about this matter.

Our life is made up of happiness and sadness. Another thing to remember is that happiness and sadness are never permanent. So it is really wise not to get depressed during times of extreme sadness and not to get over excited during times of happiness. A real person is never over excited and must have patience to get through the good times of life


Life is a wonderful chapter name. But you must enjoy this chapter thoroughly. That is, you must see the world with colorful eyes and think positively about everything. If you can walk in this world with sir attitude and do everything with positive mind then your human life will be fruitful.

If you want, you can make friends with animals and make your life colorful. If your soul is pure and you are pure.

Hope you like my whole blog. As much as I like is my value. How did you feel reading my wonderful writings about people's bad times and good times?. Don't forget to like and comment.

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