I do not write negative things in my diary

My life journals have been coming from the things that I see in the environment, the things that interest me and the things that I find so horrible, but going to look at these journal books today, it makes me realise that I used to be so funny some days in the things that I write in my journal.

Like that day, I saw a young girl in the neighbourhood going around with a cat, she and her family used to stay in a foreign country, so when they came home to see other family members, she would go around with a cute cat, so that day, she visited my uncle, I loved the way she carried her cat.

So when she leaves our house I draw her in my diary as one of the things I loved in the day, the girl seems to like me because I could remember the way she looks at me.

So on this day was when I started to learn about Cryptocurrency, I checked on the market and it gave me a bad feeling as I couldn't understand one thing about it, you know the feelings that beginners have on something they want to start, mine was even worse on Cryptocurrency because it took me so many days to understand one thing about it.

As I did not have a master, I will checked and checked, but I would not understand anything about the market, it ended up as the day was bad for me, I wrote it down that my day was not good, then from that day onward, my activities keep becoming bad, which makes my diary to have a negative words added to it day by day.

My face started to be not free with myself, I start to think, what will be the outcome if I start learning other things, if the results will be any way better, these negative feelings keep crowding my mind and make me to sleep without night and walk up still in the day time.

I checked in the market again, as I was so eager to learn the basics of Crypto, I build up courage that I am going to teach myself these things that I keep seeing in the market that I could not understand.

I tell myself that tomorrow is going to be a new day, then tomorrow I was doing so well, With so much change in my practice, I realized that once you have believe that you are going to become good, so will your activities became good, believe and see the shine coming out of yourself.

The mistakes I made was writing something that is not good in my diary, it was that very moment I spoil things for myself, and every time I open my diary to start writing my daily activities that I love in that day, the negative thoughts that I already expressed earlier in the diary would affect my ability to move further and then I realised that I should not have allowed something like that to be written.

Motivating yourself in everything you do is always good than allowing your heart to speak unimportant things, since that day I observed the things I write in my diary, if I don't have something good to save as a good reminder of the day, I prefer to allow the day to pass without me writing something.

I am using four pages of my diary to make this post, the drawings are funny, it was a long time ago, now I have improved on the way I draw, smile.....

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