Take a walk at the nearest park in my place


Hello hivers...

Hi to everyone! I came across in this community because I want to share to all of you how blessed I am living in a province. I'm totally contented of what we have here. Though city is nice but I don't want to lived in that area but vacation is okay for me. I don't like noise stuffs.

Last night we have a heavy rain with matching thunder and lightning until the electricity is gone. It takes few hours. But today we have a good weather. I've been planning to take a walk at the nearest park in my place but the rains really poured during afternoon.

Apparently this afternoon we have a nice weather so this is my chance to visit the Bayfront Park. Just 5 minutes away from our house. A newly open public park.

While I'm entering the park I've seen a red/orange plants just in a corner only. I'm not a photographer but I always admired my shots lol. Loved the plants that I've captured along the clouds.

Every time I've visit this place it brings happiness on me. A kind of stress reliever that I can pause for while. Life is full of challenges that we need to prepared everything. We must think first before we moved. Mistakes is just normal because we're just a human being. Take time to think for the better future.

That's all for tonight and thanks for dropping by. Happy long long weekends to all🤗🤗🤗.

August 25,2023
8:28 pm

The fighter mom,

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