Taller Vision Board/ Mapa de Sueños



Que bonito es vivir y compartir nuevas experiencias con personas que te transmitan tan hermosa energía.

Les cuento que el día de hoy asistí a un hermoso evento, que ya muchos por aquí conocen, basado en el "Vision board o Mapa de sueños", tuve el placer de poder ir a este curso, tan maravilloso y como dije con una energía tan alegre, positiva, bondadosa, sin duda fue una grandiosa experiencia, y le doy gracias a Dios por haberme permitido asistir.

Pude compartir y conocer personas con una hermosa energía, cómo lo fue esta chica @egenesi403, la cual recientemente se unió a nuestra gran blockchain de HIVE, me dio mucho gusto conocerla, lástima que no vive aquí, solo está de paso por la ciudad, pero quién sabe más adelante volvamos a encontrarnos.

También pude compartir con la amiga @bayondalways1,que asistió a este creativo y mágico taller, me alegro haber compartido esta linda experiencia con ella, espero Dios mediante vengan muchas, dónde se nos unan más personas, y logremos avanzar como comunidad y grupo.😁

En este taller pude visualizar muchas cosas, esas que tanto deseo lograr hacer, y aunque ya había realizado mi vision board en forma digital, me gustó la idea de hacerlo en físico y con otras personas, escuchar sus ideas, metas, sueños, y sentirme identificada con algunos de ellos, es lo mejor.

Sé que el camino es largo, y cómo dije antes una cosa es desearlo, otra ejecutarlo, pero de eso se trata y siento que con esto ya di un gran paso, ahora vamos por más, por buscar la manera de cumplir esas metas que nos pidieron plasmar en el transcurso de este año, si se puede 💪❤️❤️.


How nice it is to live and share new experiences with people who transmit such a beautiful energy.

I tell you that today I attended a beautiful event, that many around here already know, based on the "Vision board or Map of dreams", I had the pleasure of being able to go to this course, so wonderful and as I said with such a cheerful, positive, kind energy, it was certainly a great experience, and I thank God for allowing me to attend.

I was able to share and meet people with a beautiful energy, such as this girl @egenesi403, who recently joined our great HIVE blockchain, I was very pleased to meet her, too bad she does not live here, she is just passing through the city, but who knows later we will meet again.

I was also able to share with my friend @bayondalways1, who attended this creative and magical workshop, I'm glad to have shared this beautiful experience with her, I hope God willing there will be many more, where more people will join us, and we can move forward as a community and group.

In this workshop I was able to visualize many things, those that I want to achieve so much, and although I had already made my vision board in digital form, I liked the idea of doing it in physical form and with other people, listening to their ideas, goals, dreams, and feeling identified with some of them, is the best.

I know the road is long, and as I said before one thing is to wish it, another to execute it, but that's what it's all about and I feel that with this I have already taken a big step, now let's go for more, to find a way to meet those goals that we were asked to achieve in the course of this year, if we can 💪❤️❤️.

📸 Vision Board/ Dream Map Workshop 📸
Photos: Teléfono TECNO POP 7
Translation: DeepL Traductor


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