Making a weekly layout for my planner


When I got my planner, I thought I only needed a monthly layout. I realized I wanted to plan more on a weekly layout and sadly it didn't have one. It had quite a few free pages after the monthly pages so you can write down whatever you want there.


This is my main planner and it looks like this. This is gonna be an important info for you to know and you will understand later. XD I wanted to draw the layout and not glue a lot of stuff so the pages won't get bulky, you know? Maybe a few stickers and tapes but not like scrapbooking level because that will be for another journal notebook. But the point is, I want the stuff here to be drawn so the pages won't bulk up the notebook and destroy the cover or vibe of it.



As I started with the markers, the ink bled through the paper which was something I really didn't expect because the paper was thick. I guess it wasn't thick enough for this marker lol.

I was kinda bummed as that meant I had to change my plans. I can't just use the markers now because I only have limited pages and I can't just skip pages for that.


Lol "Bran"? What is this, Game of Thrones?

I really want to use markers though cos I want colors in there so my alternative was to write on another paper and just glue it on the pages. As long as I go minimal with the gluing I guess it will be fine.

I knew there will be some warping though but I can't really avoid that I guess since I only have glue and the double sided tapes haven't arrived yet.

And yes I did some practice with the calligraphy on another paper haha.


I really like how the page turned out. I pasted some washi tapes at the background as well but those are thin tapes so should be no problem when it comes to warping and making the book expand.

Brain dump is just a page for anything that's on my mind really. Any tasks, to-dos in the future, quotes, ramblings, ideas... anything that doesn't belong to any other pages yet. Like a freedom wall. Sometimes I like to write some random shit and it's nice to have them in every notebooks to free up the mind.


Well I want to be consistent so I did the pasting on another page as well. I guess I'll be doing this for the most part.


Before I start with the weekly pages, I wanted to have some pages for contacts, bills due dates, and other important stuff.

Also I just noticed the typo huhu.


So much stuff for a small table that wasn't meant for anything other than a laptop table lol.


I was quite nervous I'd mess up the big dots. :P

The papers on the side were glued as well. I like it but they were quite thick so pretty sure these would warp the pages.


I really liked how my December weekly layout turned out. Also I did a very big oopsie. The week started with Friday instead of the usual Monday or Sunday because I didn't realize I needed 5 weeks instead of 4 haha. There's 4 weeks in a month but for layouts it can extend up to 5 - including the previous month - because not every month starts with Mondays or Sundays lol.


These rectangles should be enough for the small daily tasks I will be writing. I won't be putting like "breakfast" "lunch" or anything obvious there as that would easily overwhelm me instead I will just put the important tasks needed for that day. The monthly layout can fit 1 or 2 tasks per box but this one could fit maybe 6 or more if I write in small font size. :P


Here's the page for the due dates of bills and subscriptions. On the right side you will see the markers bled through and I have to think of a solution for that as well. I don't know what to put there yet though.

That warping though, eew.




I see a lot of imperfections there which usually triggers my anxiety but today I was able to let that go and accept that written stuff will never be perfect cos we aren't printers. In fact I love those lil imperfections cos they look so handmade that way. :D

It's really just a big bummer that the markers I want to use bleed through the paper. I'm really excited to make my journal though which will happen in a separate notebook. I will be doing a lot of gluing and stuff there as it will be a heavy decorated kind of notebook compared to this one. :D

Also another thing is that since I started planning, I became conscious of the dates. As a result, the time already felt slow to me and I thought a month has passed already when it's been 2 weeks. I've been productive and really motivated the past few weeks and I'm really proud of that. Before this, I won't even know if it's Monday or something already and usually I couldn't believe a month has already passed since I lose track of time and of course I wasn't productive. Planners really work on me and I'm glad I was able to get back to it. :D

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