Weekend experience: my guilty pleasure.

Hey guys!
How y'all doing?🥰
The weekend just came to an end and I feel irie(happy).
There is this this happiness that comes when you are around dose that makes Yiu feel happy and accepted, you just don't have to fear about being yourself and Yiu can talk and express yourself freely.

I have this amazing friends that we usually hang out together during the weekend to just gist, laugh and crack jokes.

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We had our usual hang out and there Was different kinds of assorted drinks and meat plenty of them for us to eat and enjoy ourselves. Some of the drinks are acoholic while some are not.

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Interesting fact about me
I usually get tipsy anytime I take any acoholic drinks. So I often stay away from them.

Why this post is titled guilty pleasure is because I enjoy something that somehow makes me feel bad. And This is because guilty pleasures are more associated with shame rather than guilt itself.

So while still at the hangout we started eating and drinking and gistig and laughing....the day was really going well for me I Felt the urge to try something new.
We had a mixture of soft drinks and some acoholic drinks and that made the test and flavour really tempting and inviting.
I tried the first shot and it was so sweet...I also felt that since it has been mixed with soft drinks the reaction will be mild.

After a while I started feeling really funny and so I told my sister that we should get going she agreed and we both left the venue.
When I got home I was laughing uncontrollably and one of my sibling started making a video of me....from laughing really had I stated crying that was when my mum became aware of what was going on and she immediately rushed to my room.
She saw my younger ones laughing and she got really angry and drove them out of my room..she then gave me somethings to help relieve and I just climbed the bed and slept off.
The next day I really felt ashamed of myself and my actions that I wished I could turn back the hands of time...But what is done is done I just moved on and learn my lesson .
So yeah I felt guilty but I had fun... Don't plan doing that again though.

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