Día de cine en Anelmi's / Cinema on Anelmi's (SPA-ENG)

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Hola Chicos!

En este post les quiero contar sobre la tarde tan divertida que tuvimos en Anelmi's el pasado sábado.

Como estamos presentando dificultades económicas en la academia últimamente, tuve la idea de realizar una actividad para recaudar fondos, aunque no fuesen mucho el dinero a recibir.

Entre lo que se me ocurrió, pensé en una tarde de cine. Se me ocurrió que sería una linda actividad para que los niños despejaran su mente de las actividades escolares y socializaran entre ellos.

Así que, diseñé un flyer y comencé a difundirlo por todas las redes y grupos de la Academia.

Los niños se mostraron bastante emocionados, pero todo dependía de sus padres.

Hi Guys!

In this post I want to tell you about the fun afternoon we had at Anelmi's last Saturday.

Since we are having economic difficulties at the academy lately, I had the idea of doing a fundraising activity, even if the money to be received was not much.

Among the things that came to my mind, I thought of an afternoon at the movies. It occurred to me that it would be a nice activity for the kids to take their minds off school activities and socialize with each other.

So, I designed a flyer and started spreading the word through all the Academy's networks and groups.

The kids were pretty excited, but it all depended on their parents.




Los niños se fueron sumando a la actividad y yo me encargué de comprar todas las cosas para ese día.

El día del evento había llegado, comenzamos a guardar todo en mi bolso. Eran muchas cosas, hasta el televisor de nuestra casa pues no estaban cobrando demasiado dinero por alquilarnos un Video Beam para transmitir la película.

Se nos estaba haciendo tarde así que decidimos llamar a nuestro taxi de confianza, mi vecino ''PICHI'' y de inmediato nos dijo que si, nos pidió 5 minutos para arreglarse y salir.

Mientras lo esperábamos hacíamos recuento de las cosas que teníamos que llevar (que no nos sirvió para nada hacerlo, ya les diré por qué).

Me comunicaba con mi compañera Estefania para decirle que ya estaba de camino para que también saliera hacía a la academia.

The children joined the activity and I was in charge of buying all the things for that day.

The day of the event had arrived, we started to put everything in my bag. There were many things, even the TV in our house because they were not charging too much money to rent us a Video Beam to broadcast the movie.

It was getting late so we decided to call our trusted cab, my neighbor ''PICHI'' and he immediately said yes, he asked us for 5 minutes to get ready and leave.

While we were waiting for him we made a count of the things we had to take (which did us no good at all, I'll tell you why).

I communicated with my partner Estefania to tell her that I was already on my way to the academy.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)








Pichi llegó y comenzamos a montar todo en el carro.

Llegamos a la Academia y bajamos todo, comenzamos a encender los aires para refrescar los salones, mi novio se encargaba de esto y yo de acomodar todas las cosas en la cocina para poder trabajar un poco más organizado.

Aquí descubrimos un problema que colapsó mi mente. Habíamos dejado el control en casa. Esto era un gran problema porque no podíamos enlazar el tv al teléfono por la falta de WIFI y tampoco nos podíamos conectar por bluetooth porque estaba apagado. Estaba entrando en colapso porque solo faltaban 20 minutos para iniciar.

La única solución que encontré fue salir corriendo a la avenida, tomar un vehiculo e ir a casa a buscar el control.

Mientras hacía esto, Estefania se encargada de hacer las palomitas y los tequeños. Me sorprendí de que pude ir a casa y volver en menos de 20 minutos cosa que normalmente no hago.

Pichi arrived and we started to assemble everything in the car.

We arrived at the Academy and took everything down, we started to turn on the air conditioners to cool the classrooms, my boyfriend was in charge of this and I was in charge of arranging all the things in the kitchen to be able to work a little more organized.

Here we discovered a problem that collapsed my mind. We had left the control at home. This was a big problem because we couldn't link the tv to the phone because of the lack of WIFI and we couldn't connect via bluetooth either because it was turned off. I was going into meltdown because it was only 20 minutes to start.

The only solution I found was to run out to the avenue, take a car and go home to get the controller.

While I was doing this, Estefania was in charge of making the popcorn and tequeños. I was surprised that I was able to get home and back in less than 20 minutes, something I normally don't do.






Cuando llegué pusimos la película y servimos las palomitas o cotufas como les decimos aquí.

Los niños se emocionaron mucho cuando la peli comenzó, algunos nunca han ido a un cine y esto para ellos fue algo nuevo a pesar de que no pudimos brindarles la experiencia que realmente queríamos.

Mientras la peli avanzaba nos encargamos de preparar los HOT DOGS para los niños que habían pedido ese combo y tequeños para el resto.

La cocina estaba super calurosa, pero poco a poco pudimos terminar de cocinar todo.

When I arrived we put on the movie and served the popcorn or cotufas as we call them here.

The kids were very excited when the movie started, some of them had never been to a movie theater and this was something new for them even though we couldn't give them the experience we really wanted.

As the movie progressed we were in charge of preparing the HOT DOGS for the kids who had ordered that combo and tequeños for the rest.

The kitchen was super hot, but little by little we were able to finish cooking everything.






La comida por fin estuvo lista y era momento de que los niños comieran, ellos estaban super felices por sus platos.

La peli terminó y ellos aún seguían comiendo. Nos contaban su experiencia y que les pareció la película. Estábamos felices de que les gustara la experiencia.

Algunos padres comenzaron a llegar y los niños se fueron marchando uno por uno.

Esta es la primera de muchas tardes de cine que esperamos vivir en Anelmi's. Pudimos como siempre, resolver todos los problemas como equipo y entre todos colaboramos para que la actividad transcurriera de la mejor manera.

¡Gracias por leer chicos! Hasta la próxima.

The food was finally ready and it was time for the kids to eat, they were super happy about their plates.

The movie ended and they were still eating. They were telling us about their experience and what they thought of the movie. We were happy that they liked the experience.

Some parents started to arrive and the children left one by one.

This is the first of many movie afternoons that we hope to experience at Anelmi's. We were able, as always, to solve all the problems as a team and we all worked together to make the activity go as smoothly as possible.

Thanks for reading guys! See you next time.









Fotos tomadas por mi con un Poco X4 PRO.
Texto de mi autoría.
Separadores y portada creados en Canva.
Mis redes: @elieskatangredi

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