[ESP-ING]Cosechando café en el patio de mi casa//Harvesting coffee in the patio of my house



como se encuentran hoy??? Como estan pasando este fin de semana, yo estoy muy entusiasmada pues esta semana ha sido bastante productiva y que mejor manera de pasarla que compartiendo mis anecdotas con ustedes.

Estoy bastante feliz pues hoy por primera vez coseche café 😄

How are you today??? As you are spending this weekend, I am very excited because this week has been quite productive and what better way to spend it than sharing my anecdotes with you.

I'm quite happy because today I harvested coffee for the first time 😄

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Y es que les voy hacer un resumen yo vivo en esta casa desde hace como 20 años y antes cuando venianos a esta casa que solo era de visita nos moriamos por un mango y mis padres venian a cosechar otras frutas entre ellas estaba el café y el cacao ya era algo que hacian todos los años puesto que esta era la casa de vacacionar.

And I'm going to give you a summary: I've lived in this house for about 20 years and before, when we came to this house, which was just a visit, we were dying for a mango and my parents came to harvest other fruits, among them were coffee and Cocoa was already something they did every year since this was their vacation home.


Y desde que vivia aqui habia cosechado otras cosas pero nunca habia cosechado café porque a parte de que no conocia cuales eran las matas porque estan en la parte de atrás de mi patio y tampoco sabia cual era la época de el café.

And since I lived here I had harvested other things but I had never harvested coffee because apart from the fact that I did not know what the bushes were because they are in the back of my patio and I also did not know what the coffee season was.


Pero hace unos dias un vecino que bordea la zona de mi patio porque el suyo queda al lado de el mio al parecer vio las matas bastante cargadas y nos vino a decir que si no ibamos agarrarlo para el aprovechar de agarrarlo.

But a few days ago a neighbor who borders the area of ​​my patio because his is next to mine apparently saw the bushes quite loaded and came to tell us if we weren't going to grab it so he could grab it.


Yo dije, pues esta es la oportunidad de cosechar y aprender un poco más, entonces le dijimos que si, que lo agarrariamos y pues yo fui a recogerlo una tarde cuando el sol estaba bastante bajito, mi patio cuenta con 13 matas de café, a pesar de que tienen alos que no se apodan ni se les hacen mantenimiento me quede loca de la cantidad de café que pueden cosechar unas viajas matas que tienen mas de 25 años, es increible la naturaleza. Ahora si le daremos mas cariños a las matitas que nos dan esos ricos placeres como lo son el café.

I said, well this is the opportunity to harvest and learn a little more, so we said yes, we would grab it and well I went to pick it one afternoon when the sun was quite low, my patio has 13 coffee plants, Even though they have trees that are not nicknamed or maintained, I was crazy about the amount of coffee that some bushes that are more than 25 years old can harvest, nature is incredible. Now we will give more love to the plants that give us those delicious pleasures such as coffee.


Debo decir que me tomo bastante tiempo llenar toda esa tortera que yo llevaba y pesaba bastante, aqui en la bandeja ven de todo pero realmente solo se debe recoger el café pinton y el que esta maduro. El verde NO nos sirve.

I must say that it took me a long time to fill all that cake that I was carrying and it was quite heavy, here on the tray you see everything but really you should only pick the pinton coffee and the one that is ripe. Green does NOT work for us.


Mi patio es bastante grande y estoy segura que mas adelante les podre mostrar otras planas que nos dan otros tipos de frutos con los que podemos hacer cosas maravillosas.

My patio is quite large and I am sure that later I will be able to show you other plans that give us other types of fruits with which we can do wonderful things.


Espero poder subirles tambien el proceso de como realizar nuestro rico y delicioso café, porque éste lleva un proceso bastante largo pero a pesar de todo vale la pena.

I hope to also upload the process of how to make our rich and delicious coffee, because this takes a fairly long process but despite everything it is worth it.


Espero les haya gustando ya que llegaron hasta el final. Saludos hive'r amigos.

I hope you liked it since you made it to the end. Greetings hive'r friends.


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