Drone view of the "Socorro chapel"πŸš™πŸš©πŸ§­(En-Es)

Good morning fellow adventurers and drone lovers, I'm excited to bring content to this great community, today I drove about 25km to Torres Vedras to visit this beautiful chapel, which has a post-medieval history and at the same time we are going to go up to the viewpoint of the area to put our drone in the air and have some fun! Enjoy my post!🚩🧭

Buenos dias amigo aventureros y amantes de los drones, estoy emocionado por traer contenido a esta gran comunidad, para hoy conduje unos 25km hacia torres vedras para visitar esta hermosa capilla, la cual tiene una historia post medieval y a su vez vamos a subir al mirador de la zona para poner nuestro drone al aire y divertirnos un poco! disfruta mi post!β›°οΈπŸš΅πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

"Socorro" mountain viewpointπŸš™β›°οΈ /Mirador sierra "Socorro"🌎🚩

The first thing we are going to highlight in our visit is the beautiful viewpoint that the chapel has, you have a 360 degree view of the entire territory, from here you can see Mafra and the palace as well as the defensive lines of Torres Vedras that I explained in the video were a set of military forts arranged in line to defend Lisbon from possible invasions, due to this line there is a 25km path that allows you to travel through all of them and see all the forts, I already uploaded videos of some military forts here, those belong to this line if I'm not mistaken there are more than 50, today the weather did not help me much it was cloudy as you can see in the photos, a lot of wind and of course that made it difficult to get a better video or better photos!β›°οΈπŸš©πŸš™
Lo primero que vamos a resaltar en nuestra visita es el hermoso mirador que tiene la capilla, tienes una vista de 360 grados hacia todo el territorio, desde aqui puedes avistar Mafra y el palacio asi como las lineas defensivas de torres vedras que lo explique en el video fueron un conjunto de fuertes militares dispuestos en linea para defender Lisboa de posibles invasiones, debido a esta linea hay un sendero de 25km que permite recorrerlas todas y ver todos los fuertes, ya subi videos de algunos fuertes militares aqui, esos pertenecen a esta linea si no me equivoco son mas de 50, hoy el clima no me ayudo mucho estaba nublado como ves en las fotos mucho viento y claro eso dificulto la obtencion de un video mejor o mejores fotos!πŸ€“β›°οΈ

About the chapelπŸš™β›°οΈ /Sobre la capilla🌎🚩

I discovered this place by chance. I was passing by a marking and I saw some crosses, so they caught my attention, so I followed them to the top of the mountain. There were more than 20 in total. Something told me that this was a pilgrimage that is common in Portugal. When I got to the top I came across this very pretty and well-kept chapel, so I decided to use my drone and investigate it. First I discovered that it is more than 400 years old, and that before there was a pagan altar here, probably from the 12th century.πŸš©πŸš™
Descubri este lugar por casualidad iba pasando camino a una marcacion que tenia vi unas cruces entonces me llamaron la atencion por lo que las segui hasta la cima de la montana, en total eran mas de 20, algo me decia que se trataba de una peregrinacion que son comunes en Portugal, cuando llegue arriba me tope con esa capilla bien bonita y cuidada, lo que decidi usar mi drone e investigar sobre ella, primero descubri que tiene mas de 400 anos, y que antes habia aqui un altar pagano probablemente del siglo XII.πŸš΅πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ§­

Here I managed to photograph the chapel, quite small and pretty! It's a shame it's not open to the public because I read that the inside has been restored and has tiles, as I mentioned in the video, it was built in the 16th century, post-medieval, the objective was to bring Christianity to every corner of the country and placing a chapel at the highest point of Torres Vedras was a good option! As I mentioned in the video, it is not necessary to ask for authorization to pilot the drone, here it is rare to pass the 80-meter barrier, I don't even like to reach 100 meters in height, if you respect all these conditions you can use the drone without problem.πŸš΅πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸš™πŸš©
Aqui logre fotografiar la capilla, bastante pequena y bonita! una pena no estar abierta al publico porque lei que adentro esta restaurada y tiene azulejos, como mencione en el video fue construida en el siglo XVI post era medieval, el objetivo era llevar el cristianismo a cada rincon del pais y colocar una capilla en el punto mas alto de Torres Vedras fue una buena opcion! como mencione en el video no hace falta pedir autorizacion para pilotear el drone aqui es raro pasar la barrera de 80metros no me gusta ni llegar a los 100metros de altura si respetas todas esas condiciones puedes usar el drone sin problema.🏦🏫

This is an old telegraph that was built in the 18th century and was common during the time of Napoleon's conquests in Portugal. It functioned as a system of scales with ropes and weights. It is still here today because near the hill there was a military fort that no longer exists.πŸš©πŸš™

Este es un telefrafo antiguo que se construyo en el siglo XVIII que era comun en la epoca de las conquistas de Napoleon en Portugal, funcionaba como un sistema de balanzas con cuerdas y pesos, actualmente esta aqui ya que cerca de la colina habia un fuerte militar que ya no existe.πŸš΅πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ§­


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