My Journey Through Procrastination

Hi guys! I’d like to discuss a crucial topic today, but first, are you a procrastinator or a proud early bird? Having been on both sides of this coin, I have a lot to say. Let's talk about the early birds first. I think this set of people are those that seem to have their life planned out before most of us have even woken up from slumber, these ones wake up even before sunrise. People in this category always have their morning rituals down. They always plan their day, read, work out, or even meditate, they practice the daily 3.


This way of life has a certain appeal, doesn't it? It sounds like a very amazing idea to take advantage of the day before everyone else gets up. I've tried several times to be in this category. I even set the alarm for 5 am, thinking of all the things I could get done before it’s day break. I even see myself working out, preparing a nice and healthy breakfast, and determining to follow my todo list religiously. But guess what: When this alarm comes on, the snooze button becomes very active on my phone and I tap tap tap! In fact, my bed feels more comfortable at the time, then I start to procrastinate.

This brings me to the disturbing issue of procrastination. It comes like a subtle voice and you follow without even realizing. You may be focused on doing these tasks at one time, but then you may be lost in social media or some other videos, it might not be sleep all the time.


The number of times I've promised myself I'll start working on a task as soon as I check anything online and then realize that so much time has gone and I'm still scrolling through the internet is uncountable. lol, I know we can all relate to this. But guys, let's be honest, there is more to procrastination than just being lazy. Sometimes it’s linked to perfectionism, at least for me. The fear of failing, or feeling overwhelmed by what is to be done. For me, it’s both. Sometimes, just procrastinating seems like an easy way out.

Well, in my difficulties, I've discovered a few strategies for overcoming procrastination I’d like to share. Firstly, it helps to divide activities into smaller, more manageable tasks. For instance, instead of setting a task to write a whole post, I may decide to write for say 10 minutes. I usually find out that I finish the tasks that way.

Another thing that keeps me on track is setting deadlines and rewarding myself when I finish my set tasks. You can see that even though I’m not necessarily an early bird, I also don't put things off indefinitely like I normally would. I consider myself to be a work in progress that would get better. Sometimes I get up early and start my and other times, I just sleep away, I’m growing. The best thing to do is to find what works best for you.


I’ve realized that the best thing to do is to take it easy on yourself while you constantly work towards continuous growth. Life is about development, not perfection. So guys, which category do you belong to? An early bird, a chronic procrastinator or you’re just like me? Let's share experiences and advice in the comments.

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