PIZZA Tokens for Your Pizza Pictures! - PIZZA Jay's Tasty Marguerita Pizza!


The "PIZZA Tokens for Your Pizza Pictures" competition has been having increased activity with a growing number of high quality submissions. This was a particularly challenging week for me to judge as we had so many great pizza submissions! If you did not win this week, don't be discouraged as this was a particularly competitive week and HIVE PIZZA hosts this competition weekly so please share your next tasty pizza for another chance to win! (:


1st Place Winner Congratulations to @joaophelip!

@Joaophelip, AKA the one and only Pizza Jay, submitted a pretty stellar pizza submission this week. This marguerita pizza is made with tomato sauce, basil, fresh mozzarella and parmesan cheese. Not only is the pizza clearly cooked to perfection, the ingredients look so fresh! Thank you for sharing!



Thank you for an awesome submission and congrats on the 1st place win @joaophelip!


2nd Place Winner Congratulations to @CrazyPhantomBR!

@CrazyPhantomBR is making his presence known in the #pizza-pics competition through his signature 2 sided dinner and desert pizzas! This tasty Za is made with sun-dried tomato, olive, quail egg, blue cheese and white chocolate with Ovaltine. What a tasty submission!


Congrats @Crazyphantombr on the 2nd place win!


3rd Place Winner Congratulations to @theey!

@theey aka Fernando is currently on the road to 200 PIZZA tokens! Like a truly skilled member of pizza he is helping fund his 200 PIZZA goal with awesome tasty pizza pictures! This week Fernando shared the perfect diet schiacciata pizza. This pizza was made with a thin dough, light mozzarella, pork loin, and rosemary.



Congrats on another top 3 finish and the 3rd place win @Theey!


Come stop by the discord channel #pizza-pics so you can participate in this awesome competition for a chance to win PIZZA tokens!

Thank you @nane-qts for creating the graphic that showcases our winners!

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