Palermo, a town of street art

Palermo is not my home twon, but when visiting new places one of things I am drawn to is the street art, so I present for you the pieces of art I pointed a camera towards in Palrtmo when I was there for a just a few days in late August 2024


Sicily is not far from North Africa and Arabic speaking people, and artists


Sometimes the ancient walls adds to the art, sometimes it's the layers, the paste ups and more.


This is maybe the most formal street art that I've shot in a while, but there was something about this that just really appealed to me.


The jigsaw hair gets me on the main piece, and then the link to the pop art heart (is it the same artist?) and the two tiles, it all makes something different.


I fear everything and nothing is what I believe this translates to - it's almost religious in it's look and I like it a lot

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