Day Trip to Mantua

Day trip to Mantua (aka Mantova)

Recently I was watching the TV series Medici when I was delighted to recognise one of the filming locations.


When I visited Northern Italy last year I did something unusual for me. I strayed off the itinerary and decided to pay a day trip to Mantua. All I knew about the place was that Romeo went there for his exile from Verona.

Coming out from the train station I chose to turn right. This actually led me away from the town centre. It did however lead me to the Palazzo Te.


The Palazzo Te was designed by Renaissance artist Giulio Romano as a pleasure palace for the Duke of Mantua.


The building is an architectural delight. Each room is filled with frescoes. The whole palace encapsulates the interest of the time in reclaiming the classics.

From the architecture employed. Classical themes adorn walls and ceilings, and classical busts and statues adorn them.


The unmistakable room used in the Medici show is the room that is decorated with eight life sized horses. Known as Hall of the Horses.


This then leads to the fall of the giants room. Originally in the Chamber of the Giant the floor was also decorated for the complete illusion.


This would have been enough. However, make your way upstairs for an entire museum full. This included an extensive display of original coinage as produced and used in Mantua to a descendant's passion for Egyptology.

Then you get to the art gallery!

Feeling fully satisfied already by my visit I headed into town. Crossing the lake you are in a beautiful compact medieval city.

The Cathedral was impressive. Known as the Basilica St Andrea di Mantova.


The St George's Castle and Ducal Palace felt like icing on the cake.


Then sitting within the shadow of the market place I enjoyed the Mantuan special dish - butternut squash ravioli in sage butter sauce. What a great day out - and shows you can sometimes ditch your itinerary and never know what you may enjoy.

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