The Castello Sforzesco, decorated by artists like Leonardo da Vinci

Hey guys,

today I continue with my posts on our city trip to Milan. Close to the botanical garden, which I told you about in my last post, there is the Milan Castle, Castello Sforzesco. The big city castle is located in the extension of Via Dante, Largo Cairoli in Piazza Castello.

As one can see very well from the building, the castle dates back to the Renaissance period. It was built in the 14th century and was intended for defensive purposes. In the course of its history, the castle was extended again and again, but there were also destructions.

What fascinated me most: in the second half of the 15th century, after some power struggles, the castle was rebuilt bigger and more splendid than ever. The greatest artists of the time helped with the decoration: Not only Leonardo da Vinci, but also Bramante, Filarete and Cesare Cesariano.

In the castle itself there are the museums of the Castello with rarities like the last work Michelangeloudn the fresco paintings of Leonardo da Vinci. Like many sights we visited the Milan Castle only from the outside (because we were in Milan just for one day). But if you are there for a longer time it is certainly recommendable, especially if you are an art lover. I myself am also very interested in art and I paint myself, so I regret not visiting the museum. But I think I will travel to Milan a few more times in my life ;)

Especially impressive is the tower with the entrance portal Torre del Filarete, named after the Florentine architect and sculptor Antonio Averlino (called Filarete). You can see the round tower in the picture below this text.

The huge inner court of the castle

Later, the castle, of which also the military character was repeatedely enhanced, served the respective conquerors of Milan: first the Spaniards, then the Habsburgs, finally Napoleon and then again the Austrians. Then Milan became a part of the Italian nation state founded in 1860. In the meantime there were repeated discussions whether the castle should not be torn down, but fortunately it was decided to restore it.

Make sure you bring a water bottle for your trip to Milan. Like everywhere at big sights, there was the possibility to fill up your bottle with drinking water. Very helpful during the summer in Italy ;)

The castle wall, which was used for defense at that time

The entrance to the castle is free. Just like the park we visited after our visit to the castle. It is the castle park Parco Sempione. It is located right behind the Castello Sforzesco and is arranged as an English garden in romantic style.

Actually we went here to relax in the shade under some trees or sit on a bench. First we planned to spend only half an hour here, but then it became more or less. That was because it was very beautiful here, many flowers were blooming and there was enough lying space for everyone. The view over a small pond to the castle made it even more beautiful.

In summer open air concerts take place here more often, there are also playgrounds, ponds and cafes. And all this on an area of 40 hectares. So you have enough space. The park itself is located between the castle and the Friedensbogen (Arco della Pace, I will tell you about it another time).

So if you need a little break from the hustle and bustle in Milan and you are near the castle, I can highly recommend the park. It is also by far bigger than the botanical garden and therefore always invites you for a walk.

A small tip at the end: When we were in a pedestrian zone in Milan for the first time, we quickly noticed that the people here had red mosquito bites from head to toe. But really everyone who we met had. Later in the evening we also realized why: Especially at the bus stations, but also in parks like the Schlsospark there are some mosquitoes on the way. So far I had only gotten such strong mosquito bites in New Zealand. So be sure to pack mosquito spray if you plan a trip to Milan, you won't regret it ;)

View from castle park Parco Sempione to the castle itself

I hope you enjoyed the Post about the castle. Maybe you like such old castles and palaces as much as I do ;) This time I tried to write less historical data and to find a good average. Feel free to write me your feedback.

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