And there we are again....high in the sky...

Often I say to myself in moments like these....if there is something that you dislike so much, why are you getting youself into it again. And that is just a fine question to ask, because is flying makes your heart race so much, aren't there many other options to explore than the one that really gives you stress

Maybe it isn't even the moment in the sky that gives the most stress. It is everything beforehand. The whole process of the ordeal with carry on bags and whatever is allowed per airline and what not. I am a very minimal packer to say for the least, but every flight there is always a bit of a hassle if I am not takinng too much and if the checking process with be a strict one or not. I don't need to take 25 kilos along, actually I don't even think I have 25 kilos of clothes at all. But a bit more than something should still be the deal right?

Then the whole deal of getting somewhere in time with another form of transportation which is stupid..because I am never late anywhere. But then I get the feeling that I should not be late, and all of a sudden it becomes a thing. Then the whole process at the gates and security...i just don't like it.

All of this just gives an unreasonable amount of stress in a way of that I don't really recognize myself in. Did I mention turbulence already??? Now I am fully aware of how turbulence works and what it is and that I should not be worried about it. But I do worry about it because the feeling is to damn not chill. So again I act like a fool grabbing on to my chair and armrests. You know how it goes.

And as I have written a dozen times already....this is always when you have a drink served and you can see the shaking in the fluids. It sucks! But this time there is this new Brewdog serving which actually is kind of cool. can keep it in the can so you don't see that the fluit is shaking. Lovely!

So again....why I do this? Because the world is too beautiful not to explore. And other forms of transportation take too much time, although I would very much prefer them in a heart beat.

But flying by myself to hivefest....? Argh that will be another situation. Any willing neighbor around that I can squeeze in the arm until mush....

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