$THGAMING Token - 2 Years on the Hivechain! To celebrate we are giving away 100 000 $THGAMING, 20 $HIVE , 1000 $PIMP, 10 $LGN and 30 000 $STELLARUM ... 26 Winners in total!

Two Years and going strong

Can you believe that it has been two years since we minted the $THGAMING Token on the Hivechain? It feels like just a few months ago when the Guild was created and (after a lot of Hive-Engine research) we decided to Tokenise and our crypto economy was born. A lot has changed since February 2022. Some of our original Guild members have moved on...we've seen other Tribes and Games rise and fall...new alliances have been formed...and all the while we row on, backs against the current, pushing relentlessly into the future!

2 year old poster.jpg

It hasn't been easy growing through the bear Market, but we hope that THGaming is now a slightly more trusted name (and community) on $HIVE, and that those that doubted our ability to survive will now see that THG is here to stay! 2 Years is a blink of an eye in this fast moving world, but it is still something to celebrate and so we shall.

Sponsors for the Competition

Huge shout out to the following Tribes / Games (below) for sponsoring prizes towards this announcement and giveaway! Follow these communities as they are all trusted, fast developing projects and well worth your time and support :

  • $THGAMING and $HIVE rewards will be provided by @thgaming Guild!

The Competition

Without further ado, let's get to the Competition 🏆 here are the simple entry rules:

  • (1) Upvote this Post 100%
  • (2) Reblog this Post
  • (3) Comment on this Post
  • Only 1 Entry allowed per Account
  • Winners randomly chosen in 8 days time
  • A Random Number Generator will be used to select the Winners
  • 10 000 $THGAMING will go to 10 lucky winners
  • 5 $HIVE will go to 4 lucky Winners
  • 250 $PIMP Tokens will go to 4 lucky Winners
  • 3.33 $LGN will go to 3 lucky Winners
  • 6000 $STELLARUM will go to 5 lucky Winners
  • There will be a total of 26 unique Winners
  • Prizes may take up to 2 weeks to be handed over, after the Competition closes.


Now, let's look back at some of the Developments for our Token and Guild as a whole since we Tokenised 2 years ago!

Tokenisation - Feb 2022

After minting the $THGAMING Token on February 1st 2022, we had some early buy-ins and saw our wallet numbers expand rapidly. 2022 was an incredibly difficult year for crypto but the markets seem to be improving in 2023/2024 so let's all hope that 2024 brings the next $BITCOIN bull run, and millions of new crypto daily investors, developers and users!


To prepare for the next bull market, we're continuing to develop use cases for $THGAMING focused on increasing demand. We also have plans for increasing distribution (minting) mechanisms, but we're waiting for the $HIVE (crypto) market and robustness of $THGAMING to stabilize and recover. We will highlight some of our most important token updates below:

$THGAMING SMT (Curation) Contract

Posting in the THGaming Community or using the #thgaming hashtag will qualify you for earning $THGAMING through Hive's curation process: upvotes. Promoting quality content remains the primary focus of our curation efforts, so keep that in mind when posting. Curation is not guaranteed and is usually proportional to post quality. We have also added #cryptoshots to our curation contract, the first game we have taken this step with.

SMT Contract.png

When we moved into Phase 2 of our Whitepaper, we quadrupled the SMT Curation Payouts. We did however reduce this number by 50% in 2023, to assist with the inflation. You can see the current Payout rewards (Per Month) below.

  • 453 600 $THGAMING added to the Reward Pool every month (30 days) : 0.045% total supply
  • The Maths : 60sec x 60min x 24hr x 30day / 120sec x 21rew
  • Payout Tags : #thgaming (Guild Tag) #cryptoshots (@cryptoshots.nft) #hive-184309 (all THGaming community posts)
  • We are also large holders of $PIMP, $LOLZ, $FUN, $LGN, $PGM and a few other Layer-2 Tokens, so we include them in our curation efforts while also using the !PIMP !LOLZ !PGM tip commands on Quality Posts!

Liquidity Pool Rewards

Our original $SWAP.HIVE Liquidity Pool offers a place for investors to SWAP our $THGAMING Tokens for $SWAP.HIVE; Hive Engine's Layer-2 swappable version of $HIVE which can be withdrawn (converted) to $HIVE at any time. The amazing $PIMP Community also voted to create a $PIMP:$THGAMING Liquidity Pool, so now $THGAMING can be swapped for $PIMP, or visa versa. Both LP's have some tasty rewards in so head on over to the BeeSwap Frontend to check them out yourself.


For more information about or Liquidity Pool and detailed info about what an LP is, please read this post: 'SWAP.HIVE : THGAMING Liquidity Pool - 90 Day Rewards Contract initiated!'

Partnerships and Collaborations

When we first launched the $THGAMING token, it was with plans to develop slowly while rewarding our gamers with upvotes for quality Hive posts and exclusive gaming perks. Due to the massive amount of support on Hive, we have secured the following Partnerships (P) and Collaborations (C) :

Our THGaming Hive Community (seen above) grew to over 800 Subs in 2023.

2024 Social Media Numbers

In April 2022, we evaluated our Social Media numbers in This Post. Feel free to read it if you have the time. You can see our current Social Media numbers below :

All of our Social Media accounts can be found on our Official Linktree Page.

Future Plans, 2024 and Beyond

We will continue to increase use cases for our token by incorporating $THGAMING into more gaming economies. The bigger we grow as a guild, the more games will want to work with us, and it is my belief that one day $THGAMING will become a Hive Utility token usable in many different gaming ecosystems. Once we have considerable Hive support, we will look at expanding our cross-chain strategies to popular gaming chains such as $WAX, $ETH, $MATIC and $BNB.

In 2024, we will strive to connect with more games and relevant crypto platforms on $HIVE as well as other blockchains. This includes taking the time to research each project thoroughly and never go 'all in'. Many projects will fail in the long run, and we don't want to overcommit our resources to any single game or platform, diversification is key! We will endeavor to bring opportunities to our Guild Members and will never use the $THGAMING token as leverage in loans (this is what destroyed the FTX Exchange in November 2022).

We will continue to self fund our own development, manage our crypto assets carefully, and help to build up and support the Hive chain as much as possible. Our success relies on $HIVE's success, and perhaps one day @thgaming will be integral to the Hivechain's development and expansion.

Wrap Up

As always, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, do not spend any money / crypto you can't afford to lose! During the current 'sideways trading' market, Threshold Guardian Gaming will continue to innovate and collaborate while rigorously developing our token, guild and economy.

If you would like to join THGaming and explore the #metaverse with us, our social media links are below.

Trade safely, Game hard and have a fantastic 2024! 🚀


THGaming Hive Community

THGaming Discord

THGaming Twitter

THGaming Instagram

$THGAMING Whitepaper

Trade $THGAMING on Tribaldex

Trade $MINTHAGG on Tribaldex

Linktree Official - All Social Media links

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