The THGaming Social Media numbers. This is why everyone should be Reposting Hive News on external Social Media platforms!

Making Hive a Household Blockchain name

$Hive governs one of the most autonomous, cheapest (gas free), fastest, self-regulated Blockchains on the Metaverse, with a huge number of use-cases; including already thriving NFT & Gaming ecosystems and Curated blogging platforms (@peakd the very dApp I am writing this Post on). Yet, we are very far from $Hive being a household name in crypto circles or breaking the Top 100 in global Cryptocurrency Marketcaps.

While many Hive Platforms are actively engaging in Social Media Marketing campaigns, it is the thousands of everyday Hive Bloggers who need to spread the Hivechain on SM Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Youtube! It is my belief that #Post2earn will take the world by storm and it is important for the Hivechain to innovate and grow fast in order to get ahead of companies like Facebook aka Meta, or indeed other innovative crypto Blockchains.

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Repost onto external SM platforms & avoid forming a Hive-Echo-Chamber

One thing we must steer clear from is creating a HIVE POSTING ECHO CHAMBER with Hivechain posts only being shared between the #HiveBlogchain platforms.

From a Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) stand point - Google loves new content as well as hyper-linking -Webpage links between different websites- so linking a #hivechain Post through Twitter shows Google where to look and makes GSE scrub through Hivechain posts quicker and more thoroughly, especially if clicks starts to come from external sources like Social Media platforms & Webpages.

Besides spreading the name and growth of THGaming Guild, we are actively marketing our social media channels with Hivechain related news. This is a great way to connect with like minded Hivers on traditional SM platforms, as well as helping to educate the World about the Gaming, NFT and Community building potential of the Hivechain.

Spreading Hive News on Social Media Networks

Below you will be able to see @thgaming's most active Social Media Accounts, Platforms and Communities

Click to see our >>Linktree<< One Link to rule them all

On Linktree you will find our Updated Social Media Links, as well as a few 'Featured Gamers' ⬇️
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>>Twitter (136 Followers)<< - The latest News in the Crypto World

A number of recent Twitter competitions has seen a massive boost in Followers on our Official Twitter Page. We recently broke 100 followers and have continued climbing.

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Re-Tweets are the life blood of Twitter

>>Discord Server (271 Members)<< - The Heart and Soul of Play2Earn Gaming

If you want to join THGaming or find out more about Guild activities & $THGAMING Token development, I recommend joining our Discord and keeping an eye out for Official Announcements. Official News & Competitions are always announced on our Discord, it is the glue that holds THGaming together.

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Our Discord Server is Growing Weekly

Instagram (97 Followers) - The NFT Dream Platform

The most 'visual' of our Social Media Channels, instagram lends itself very well to NFT Artwork, Gaming Videos and Crypto news; however the platform is not as popular as Twitter for cryptocurrency topics. As Cryptocurrency and NFTs in particular become adopted globally, so will their influence grow across all S.M. networks, and THGaming is preparing for an Instagram crypto invasion.

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When NFTs start taking over Instagram, we will be Ready!

Hivechain Community (140 Subscribers) - Gaming Curation on the Hivechain

#THGaming is a Blockchain based play-to-earn guild run by Gamers. Follow @thgaming and tag #thgaming for Curation and Reposts.

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It feels like yesterday when we broke 100 Community Subs

Webpage (in Development) - Coming in Phase 2

More to come on the Webpage later this month

If you would like to join @THGaming and explore the #metaverse with us, our Social Media links are below.


Official THGaming Social Media Links:

🔸 Twitter

🔹 Discord

🔸 Instagram

🔹 Hive Community

🔸 Linktree - All Social Media Links


@entrepidus @dynamicrypto @flauwy @skuration @beffeater @psyberx @captainquack22 @enginewitty

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