๐Ÿ“ข THGaming Webpage First Look. Curation Bot 100% Funded. $360 Liquidity Pool Reward Boost. Roadmap Update.

The Threshold Guardian Gaming Site

One of the main purposes of our Webpage will be to bring the THGaming name to the wider gaming world. While we love the Hivechain โ€”it is the bedrock of our online communityโ€” there are hundreds of millions of gamers out there who are still apprehensive about joining #play2earn and #post2earn Blockchain gaming communitites.

THGaming will provide an online portal that anyone can sign up with: all you need is a Gmail or Facebook account. Our Guild Members will be able to Post (and earn) on our webpage, which will be extremely useful for content creators trying to increase their social media following, or people looking for the latest crypto gaming news and strategies.



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Guild Roadmap

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Gamer Forum

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The website is being designed by @urbancinema a.k.a Urban Cinematography


  • Overall site development is ~70% complete
  • It will be mobile friendly
  • Registration will enable blogging to the site. (~5 minutes to cross-post from PeakD/Hivechain)
  • Quality content will be featured and tipped in $THGAMING.
  • Registrations will be facilitated through Gmail, no crypto wallet necessary.
  • Website promotion through Google Adwords Campaign will push the THGaming page out into geographically targeted locations.

NOTE: While the site is nearing completion, the current design is iterative and subject to additional changes, if needed. We want our site to host a community our gamers visit every day, so it must function efficiently and intuitively.

Curation Bot 100% Funded

1000 $BEE ready to go!


Through market sales and liquidity pool swaps, we were able to quickly fund our Curation Bot (Upgrade) and will be setting it up this month. It will take time to polish the bot's functionality, so we don't have a set date for when it will go live. We are working hard to launch our Curation bot this month and we'll continue to provide updates throughout its development.

Liquidity Pool Boosts

As the $HIVE:$THGAMING LP continues to attract participants, we're continuing to inject periodic rewards to maintain a robust APR.

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The LP has proven so popular, in fact, that we're celebrating the nearly 3.5 million $THGAMING currently residing in the pool with another Reward Pool boost:

  • 250 000 $THGAMING
  • 5000 $PIMP

Total Increased Rewards Value +$360

This is in addition to the scheduled boosts included in the roadmap below.



While we'll be providing updates to our previous roadmap, here's the latest on where we stand:

  1. Mint initial $THGAMING Supply โœ…
  2. Unlock $THGAMING Staking โœ…
  3. Create our first $THGAMING Liquidity Pool(s) โœ…
  4. Unlock $THGAMING Delegation โœ…
  5. Form our first Liquidity Pool โœ…
  6. Partner with other Hive Communities โœ…
  7. Fund the Tipping/Curation Bot โœ…
  8. Launch Curation Rewards
  9. Prepare for transition to Phase 2

As you can see, we've come a long way in a just one month! We're already nearing the transitional period for Phase 2, and lots of progress is happening in the background that we'll begin sharing as they become ready for unveiling.


In the meantime, here are the latest dates to watch out for!

Feb 1 - $THGAMING Token Minted
Feb 7 - $THGaming Staking Enabled
Feb 14 - 100-Day $HIVE:$THGAMING Diesel Liquidity Pool
Feb 21 - $THGaming Delegation Enabled
March 1 - #THGaming Website Preview, Curation Bot 100% Funded, Roadmap Update
March 15 - LP Rewards Boost, *Whitepaper Release
April 1 - *WAX NFT Launch
April 15 - LP Rewards Boost

*The Whitepaper Release and WAX NFT Launch are subject to delay, if needed.

To clarify, our intended goal is to respect the new dates we've added for unveiling the WP and WAX NFT's, but we won't jump the gun with an unfinished product. They continue to be our top priority, and we think you'll agree that the wait was worth it when the full details become available.


As Phase 2 quickly comes into view, a few important sticking points remain that we're keenly aware of: The lack of a Whitepaper(WP), and tangible use cases beyond "hodl to the moon!" While we're not quite ready to share the WP, we're excited to share some of the ideas we're currently working through for one of our major use cases that involves cross-chain integration with $WAX.


As a catch-all preface to the following, all NFT use-cases listed below may be subject to change. The Application Programming Interface (API) needed for cross-chain integration is something that we are actively researching.

#THGaming Events

The backbone for all of our use cases revolve around supporting periodic #THGaming sponsored events such as tournaments, raffles, and larger versions of the contests/giveaways routinely announced through our Discord. To that end, both $THGAMING and a portion of the WAX NFT's we'll be unveiling will be dispersed through prize pools and event rewards. $THGAMING will serve as the primary cost of entry for most events while any tokens supplied by other communities will be reserved for additional participation rewards.

In other words, $THGAMING will provide frequently opportunities for active use in addition to the passive rewards we've already established and continue to develop.

WAX NFT Launch

As part of our first major #THGaming event, we'll be selling a fixed number of WAX NFT's ahead of the event to allow for immediate benefits. We're currently considering all of the following benefits for holding these NFT's:

  • Monthly $THGAMING airdrops
  • One-time $THGAMING "burn" redemptions
  • Discord roles/perks for holding N or more NFT's
  • Discounted tournament entry cost
  • Free raffle entries
  • Game-related airdrops
  • A profit-sharing scholarship "vault"

And many other ideas we're working through.

$THGAMING Tokenomics

At it's core, $THGAMING is intended to be an active currency for #THGaming members with regards to participating in the many events and services we'll eventially provide. This active use will serve as a sink that limits inflation while the many passive benefits for staking (in all its forms) encourage holders to limit the overall liquidity (and inflation) of the token.

To avoid applying excessive sell pressure on $THGAMING to cover our expenses, selling NFT's will help provide initial investment/reward pools used to sustain the various gaming events and rewards initiatives we'd like to offer #THGaming members. These NFT's will serve as opportunities for investors and gamers alike by providing ongoing value to both kinds of holders.

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Official Social Media Links

๐Ÿ”น THGaming Hive Community

๐Ÿ”ธ THGaming Discord

๐Ÿ”ธ THGaming Twitter

๐Ÿ”น THGaming Instagram

๐Ÿ”ธ Linktree Official - All Social Media links

Post rewards will go towards powering up $HP and funding $THGAMING's ongoing development.

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