My Introduction Post on Hive (EN/CN)

(This picture is my Photoshop drawing of myself)

Thanks to @cieliss for reminding me that I haven't introduced myself on Hive yet. I think I forgot to introduce myself because I didn't know what I was supposed to do on Hive at first.
So in addition to introducing myself, I'll also share some of my thoughts since joining Hive.

感謝 @cieliss 提醒我還沒有在Hive上自我介紹過。我想我忘了介紹自己是因為我一開始不知道我在Hive上應該做些什麼。

By the way, since my English is very poor, the English part of this article is done using DeepL and Google Translate with my modifications, so it might be weird, but I think it's not a big problem

順帶一提,因為我的英文很差,所以這篇文章的英文部分是使用 DeepL 和 Google Translate 加上我的修改後完成的,所以可能怪怪,不過我想應該沒有大問題。

❓Who am I

☝️ My first step on Hive! ( 我在Hive上的第一步! )

I joined Hive on November 13 of last year, and I first learned about Hive because I saw someone share the Splinterlands, a Play to Earn game on Youtube. I think everyone on Hive knows about it, so I won't introduce it too much.
Anyway, I joined Splinterlands and created this account as my first step to join Hive!

我是在去年 11月13 加入 Hive 的,我第一次知道 Hive 是因為我看到有人在 Youtube 上分享 Splinterlands,一個 Play to Earn 的遊戲。我想 Hive 上的人都知道,所以我就不多介紹了。
總之,我加入了 Splinterlands,並創建了這個帳號作為我加入Hive的第一步!

🎮 Why did I decide to play this "Play to Earn" game? ( 我為什麼決定玩這個 "Play to Earn" 的遊戲? )

For me, gaming is a big part of my life and I have spent a lot of time on games like Minecraft, Sid Meier's Civilization VI and other Steam games in the past.

對我來說,遊戲算是我生活中一個重要部分,過去我在 Minecraft、Sid Meier's Civilization VI 等遊戲和其他Steam 遊戲上也花了不少時間。

📝 On a side note, Minecraft is my favorite game, even though I'm not very good at building beautiful houses or mastering redstone technology, it's really fun to play freely in it.
Unfortunately, I don't seem to see an active Minecraft community or players on Hive, or maybe I'm just overlooking it. All in all, I'm looking forward to Minecraft becoming a craze on Hive!

📝 說個題外話,Minecraft 是我最喜歡的遊戲,儘管我不太擅長建造漂亮的房子或專精紅石技術,但是在裡面自由的玩真的很有趣。

Let's get back to the topic, as I said, playing games is important, so in the blockchain generation, games met tokens and created a new economy, playing games to earn tokens allowed me to discover a new world.


Obviously, there is no such thing as free. All games that can be "Play to Earn" cost money to play, even Splinterlands. But luckily, Splinterlands only costs 10 USD for the Spellbook and some cards to get the power over 1000 to enjoy the full game, that's why I choose to play this "Play to Earn" game!

不過很顯然世界上沒有免費的東西,所有可以 "Play to Earn" 的遊戲都要花錢入門,就連 Splinterlands 也不例外。不過運氣很好的是,Splinterlands 只要花 10 USD購買 Spellbook,另外再購買一些卡片讓 Power 超過 1000就可以享受完整的遊戲了,這就是為什麼我選擇玩這個 "Play to Earn " 的遊戲。

😀 What I'm doing on Hive ( 我在Hive上做了什麼 )

What I did at the beginning ( 我在一開始做了什麼 )

To be honest, I'm not very good at creating, I can even say I don't have any creativity, so at first I saw a lot of people recording their daily quest on Splinterlands, and I started to do it with them. Of course there are many people who saw me doing this, like @bananofarmer, and I'm grateful to him for letting me join the Dinero Juegos guild, it's great to play and discuss with the members of the guild. Although it was a bit difficult to communicate with the language barrier, I solved the problem with DeepL and Google Translate, haha!

老實說,我其實很不擅長創作,甚至可以說我沒有任何的創意,所以一開始我看到很多人每天記錄自己在 Splinterlands 上的每日任務,我就跟著開始做這件事了。當然也有不少人看到我在做這件事,像是 @bananofarmer ,我很感謝他讓我加入了 Dinero Juegos 這個公會,可以跟公會裡的成員一起玩跟討論很開心。雖然因為在語言隔閡下有點交流上的困難,但是我用 DeepL 和 Google Translate 解決了這個問題,哈哈!

What I'm doing now ( 我現在在做些什麼 )

Not long ago, when I was doing my daily quest, I found that there were more and more bots in the game, so I started to share the non-robot battles I encountered in the process of doing my daily quest.
I hope that by doing this, I can make those players who have been ruined by the robots a little happier, after all, the most important thing in playing games is to have fun!

不久之前,在我進行每天的任務的時候,我發現遊戲內的 bot 越來越多了,因此我開始分享做每日任務的過程中遇到的非機器人戰鬥。

What am I going to do next? ( 我接下来要做什麼? )

I've been thinking about posting some different content lately, maybe about games, like Risingstar or other games, or maybe sharing some artwork, because I've been learning how to use Photoshop lately, and if I make something that's not too bad I might consider sharing it, or maybe sharing some cryptocurrency trading diaries or something like that, but I need to think about that again, after all, like I said earlier, I don't have much creative talent.

最近我正在考慮發佈一些不同的內容,可能是關於遊戲,例如 Risingstar 或其他遊戲,也可能是分享一些藝術創作,因為我最近剛好在學習如何使用 Photoshop,如果我做出不太糟的東西我或許會考慮分享一下,要不然就是分享一些加密貨幣的交易日記之類的,總之我還需要再想想這方面的事,畢竟就像我前面說的,我沒什麼創作天分。

🤔💭 My thought after I joining on Hive ( 我加入Hive後的想法 )

Next, I'd like to share my thoughts on joining Hive so far. To be honest, when I first learned about how Hive works, I was even more surprised than when I learned about "Play to Earn", that there is a place to earn through the community. Whether it's posting, voting, or commenting, all of these are rewarded with earnings, which is beyond my imagination!

接下來來分享一下我加入 Hive 到現在的感想,說真的,當我一開始了解 Hive 的運作模式時,比我了解了 "Play to Earn" 還讓我驚訝,竟然有可以藉由社群來 Earn 的地方.不論是發文、投票、評論,這些全部都是有收益作為獎勵的,真是超出我的想像。

Then I found out that unlike other chains, I don't have to pay Gas Fee for my actions here, which surprised me once again. I've always thought that gas fees are a big barrier to people using blockchains, so it's great to find a social type of chain like Hive, and I'm sure more people will see it!

接著我又發現了,跟其他鏈不一樣,在這裡的行為竟然不需要支付 Gas Fee,又讓我驚訝了一次。我一直認為 Gas Fee 是限制人們使用區塊鏈的一大障礙,所以發現 Hive 這個社交型態的鏈真的讓我覺得很棒,相信這麼棒的鏈會有更多人看見的!

🥳The end of my introduction ( 自我介紹的结尾 )

Finally, thanks again to @bananofarmer, he really helped me a lot, both in Hive and Splinterlands he gave me a lot of great advice, also thanks to @maggotmilk, he often commented under my posts, and thanks to @cieliss for suggesting me to finish my introduction post, even though I'm not a newbie anymore, haha!

最後再次感謝 @bananofarmer,真的受到他很多幫助,不論是在 Hive 還是 Splinterlands 他都給了我很多很棒的建議,也感謝 @maggotmilk ,他常常在我的文章底下評論,也謝謝 @cieliss 建議我完成自我介紹,儘管我已經不算是新手了,哈哈!

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