Ex-ilegales por Trump | Ex-illegals for Trump

Hasta los que aprovecharon la oportunidad y ya están legalmente en los EEUU, saben que Kamala seria como Chavez en Venezuela, y por eso votarán por Trump.
Even those who took advantage of the opportunity and are already legally in the US know that Kamala would be like Chavez in Venezuela, and that is why they will vote for Trump.

Los que están trabajando, comprenden que con mas inmigrantes, pueden perder sus trabajos, o recibir sueldos mas bajos. Y los que no consiguen trabajo, tienen que escoger entre robar o vivir en la miseria, o votar por Trump para que los deporte de regreso a sus países.
Those who are working understand that with more immigrants, they may lose their jobs or receive lower wages. And those who cannot find work have to choose between stealing or living in poverty, or vote for Trump to be deported and go back to their countries.

Yo no sabía de esta aplicación, pero me acabo de enterar gracias al debate vicepresidencial donde lo corrigieron a Vance y el mencionó la aplicacion CBP ONE poco antes de que le cortaran el microfono!
I didn't know about this app, but I just found out about it thanks to the vice presidential debate where Vance was corrected and he mentioned the CBP ONE app shortly before his microphone was cut off!

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