Believing; Our Sure Guarantee To God's Blessing


One of the most difficult thing that don't like doing is Believing. Its difficult yet its easy. Believe means to accept. I discovered that the word "believe" appears 272 times, and that implies that it is the key to accessing or unlocking our blessings. Our aim in life is to filled God's divine purpose or mission for our life, and that is channeled to our level of believe. Our salvation is guaranteed on the basis of Believe.

St. John 3:16
KJV: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

With this, I noticed that the only criteria for my redemption is my ability to believe on the love of Christ displayed on the cross.

A question came into my mind, why then is it difficult to believe, and it's not even starting now, I remember the story of Naman, a captain of the Syrian Army, who had leprosy, and a prophet gave him a simple instruction, "Go wash yourself 7 times, but he began to grumble, and that was a sign of disbelieve, but thank God for his servants who advised and encouragement him. And that prompted him to make a move and he got his healing. And even when Jesus was here on earth, the people demanded for a proof before they can believe in him and the one who sent him. But that ought not to be so.

And I learnet a lesson from there, there must not be a prove for me to believe. My ability to believe comes with a special package of blessing , favour and every good thing one might think of. So that implies the key to accessing my desire in life is to believe.

St. John 6:28
KJV: Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God?

St. John 6:29
KJV: Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.

Looking at these two passages, This is the desire of every believer, being able to identify God's divine will for our lives and that requires our ability to believe in totality of the birth, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus, and also his promise to return.
Our ability to believe in the power He has delegated to us as children to rule, dominate and subdued demons and power; also giving us the assurance that nothing shall be any means hurt us is enough proof for us to believe. Although in all the questions Jesus response was linked to one thing which is "believe".

Believing sounds easy, though it's easy to profess it, but it becomes difficult to practice it in the face of difficulties and challenges. I discovered that it's only in the face of our challenges that we can genuinely display our confidence and trust (believe) on the person we claim to believe in.
Believing is not a one day adventure it's not gotten from the street, nor mere declaration, but it requires sacrifice of studying, praying and fellowship with him. It's not possible to believe a person we do not know. So can know him more and activate our mindset into the words he has spoken. That was why he said "The words I speak are spirit and they are life......." so we get to believe deeper in him through the words he has spoken to us through his word (Bible).

So in all, believing is the bedrock to whatever we desire as far as our Christian race is concerned, and with that it will open us up to God's divine will for our lives, open doors of blessing, victory dominion and every other blessing that pertains unto purity, righteousness and purity.

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I am @pricelessudy

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