Shooting in -20°C with the 135mm vintage lens. :: Daily and Fresh 📷 (349/366)


Using a clump of metal and glass for shooting in -20°C is an interesting experience. Whether you have good thick gloves or not, the cold has a habit of penetrating through all that insulation and making the fingers go numb and stiff. Even my face was getting stiff from having the cold radiate from the camera on my cheek bone.

However it was worth it!

Here's an amazing set of photos I captured today!

Which one of the next two photos looks correct? On the first one the white balance is taken from the whole picture, while on the second one, it is measured from the snow in the shadow of the trees.

(My monitor is currently in night mode, so everything has a slight reddish tint, and I can't be sure if the white balance is correctly calculated. (Not really a good setting for a photographer I know. But I do need some sleep after all.)

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I love the composition on this one!

In the above photo, the sky was actually red. I sampled the white balance from the white fence of the terace in the beach café. If I had used the snow or the white parts of the building in the background (Messilä Manor), the foreground would've turned blue.

Ice Fishing

This one was shot in the town center. The concrete sheep shield bicyclists and pedestrians from any astray cars.

There are some bokeh balls in the background.

I hope you liked these photos. It was very much fun shooting them.

See ya!

Daily and Fresh 📷 #350
Daily and Fresh 📷 #351
Daily and Fresh 📷 #352
Daily and Fresh 📷 #353
Daily and Fresh 📷 #354

Weekly and Fresh 📸 #49
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #48
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #47
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #46
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #45

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