Pear and pecans (still-life) 📷 (317/366) + Ecency points giveaway


This one is a comparison between a smartphone (or a tablet) camera and a an actual camera, and to see if there is a real difference in quality.

I will do my usual edits on them, then crop the photos to have the same dimensions, and ask you guys to tell me which is which.

Like I said, one of the photos is taken with the camera, and the others are taken with the tablet and the smartphone.

Your job is to:

  1. Rate them from worst to best.
  2. Guess which one is taken with which device.

In that order.

I'll send 100 ecency points for each answer. Each right answer on 2. will get 50 extra ecency points.

So 250 ecency points if you get everything right on 2.

Pear and pecans #1

Pear and pecans #2

Pear and pecans #3

So which is which?

I will end this giveaway, and post a copy of the full-size DSLR photo in 24h 48h of posting this one.

(Update: I extended the deadline 2× as there weren't too many participants yet. Hopefully there will be at least some before the time runs out.)

Edit 2: The "contest" is now closed. Congratulations to the winners @pfunk (250EP), @photocircle (250EP), and @lanzjoseg (150EP)!

See ya later!

Daily and Fresh 📷 #318
Daily and Fresh 📷 #319
Daily and Fresh 📷 #320
Daily and Fresh 📷 #321
Daily and Fresh 📷 #322

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Weekly and Fresh 📸 #44
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #43
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #42
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #41

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