Weekly and Fresh πŸ“Έ (41/52)

Hi Hive!

We've passed the 41st week! I guess it's all smooth running from here.

Food, sceneries... fine set of photos!

Of course there are a couple of "fillers", but that's how it always is. There is no such thing as a "perfect week".

The truth is you can shoot every day a month, and still get only one "keeper".

Even Kiemis made an appearance this gone week.

I had something else to say...

Musing on cryptos:

I've been watching the crypto world for a few weeks now, and it seems Bitcoin is finally in the cycle towards $100k. Ethereum might go past $1000, maybe close to $3000 or more.

My prediction for Hive around December 2021 and early 2022 is as high as $8 to $12. But we will eventually be pulled back down to $0.5.

If I am right, we will find an equilibrium around $3-$4 somewhere along the road. Like I've said before, I don't really believe there is a chance we will get much higher. The use case (quality blogging and content creation) could easily be wrecked by higher prices.

Anyway, let's get back to the subject on hand...

Here are the posts I made in #DailyAndFresh last week:


On Saturday πŸ“·


Charging batteries... πŸ“·


Google photos (android app) effects on photos πŸ“·


Checking up on Kiemurainen πŸ“·


Traditional Finnish food ; Saithe soup / Fish soup πŸ“·


I went outside to shoot photos... πŸ“·


Round pier πŸ“·

See you again soon!

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