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Night walk photos and AI-landscapes :: Daily and Fresh 📷 (238/366)


After all I wasn't able to shoot anything during the day, so I took a couple of photos with the smartphone while I was walking on one of our nightly walks with Ninnu.

We are preparing for the birthday party for Miro and a couple of his friends so I've been running errands and getting all kinds of things, like gluten free flour for the cake, lemonade, potato chips and candy, among others.

I found an interesting AI today. It is nVidia's GauGan, and it creates landscape photos out of crude drawings. I almost posted one as a daily photo, but then I thought it'd kind of be cheating.

So I'll post it as a side dish...

Sunset of Artificial Intelligence

I hope you like it. It took me a while to get out something that actually looked like a scenery. Maybe my visions are just too demanding for the AI.

Well I might as well share this with you...

Miro called me after school today, and I could hear he was upset and wanted me to pick him up from a grocery near his school.

Gladly he'd had quick feet and he'd gotten away from the situation. But he was visibly shaken by the whole ordeal when I got to pick him up.

He told me that some older students from his school had started chasing him and the other one had yelled Miro had done something to his mother. [When he was describing the situation to me, Miro used the word "hakkaa" ("hakata" = "hit", "hack", "punch"), but I wonder if he'd heard wrong, or the other guy had been unclear and meant "haukuit" ("haukkua" = "bark", "call names", "insult")].

I'm a bit worried, since we don't have much to go on with. I took this up with the head of the school, but because Miro didn't know who exactly the one who attacked him was, and all he could do was describe the person to them.

They told us that if he spots the guy on the school yard he should point the guys out to the teachers as soon as possible so that they can talk to them and possibly contact their parents. And if they continue to pick on him, he must let the teachers know at once.

There have been some stories in the newspapers lately about unrest and even violence (with hospitalized victims) breaking out in some schools in Finland. I am hoping this one will not be one of them.

I wonder what on Earth is going on.

See ya!

Weekly and Fresh 📸 #33
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #32
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #31
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #30
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #29

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