Autumn colours in Messilä :: Daily and Fresh 📷 (242/366)


I went to Messilä with my camera and took a couple of photos.

On these photos I used exclusively the parametric mask and drawn & parametric mask functions on Darktable to select areas to select the areas to edit.

I didn't think much of using the parametric mask, and even found it a bit difficult to use, but Yesterday I discovered using it wasn't hard at all.

In other news, I've been listening Doyle and Christie mysteries as audiobooks a lot lately. Driving and shooting photos, even editing photos, and "reading" books at the same time is kind of fun.

But can not write at the same time when listening. 😅

Heh. Well, I'll go and get some sleep next. I hope you liked the photos!

See ya!

Weekly and Fresh 📸 #35
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #34
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #33
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #32
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #31

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