Lahti after dark :: Daily and Fresh 📷 (300/366)

Good Evening!

I went to the town to shoot some twilight photos of the Christmas lights.

The moon... It looks like the light from the streetlight decided to exit its casing and started floating away.

I like light trails, and the stars that the F16 aperture creates around light sources is kind of magical.

There was a huge Xmas tree in the center of the market place. Not much market happening there at the time though.

Another interesting photo. The town hall clock tower is visible in the background, and the ghosty bicyclist, car light trails, and a bright star in the middle, I think it was a single car light peeking from behind the Hackapell statue.

And who could miss the snowman downhill skiing?... or is he ski jumping?

See ya!

Weekly and Fresh 📸 #42
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #41
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #40
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #39
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #38

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